The Concubine
dreams and finally the erratic feelings of foreboding that has followed me like a dark cloud until now, all signified something. Today or maybe sometime soon my life will be forfeit and Lucian will be the one to snuff it out. But before that occurs, something miraculous will happen and you, Marik, will live on with our children, you will regain your kingdom back and all will be right. 

I know the time has come, even before the palace shakes with the countless blast of canons that has been bombarding the palace walls since this morning. The war has begun and now it is time for me to be taken away. I am escorted to the parapet of the palace, between two hulking soldiers who will not live to see this battle out. Archers lined the walls, hidden away ready for another signal to attack. I am brought to stand inches behind Lucian, with his back to me he faces out into the horizon. Like avengers of the apocalypse, I am able to see the endless rows of thousands of men who make up your army and my heart stutters for a moment. 
    “Tell me something,” Lucian’s voice is devoid of emotion as he speaks. “Do you love our son as much as you love his?” 
    “More than life itself.” He turns around then and I feel my knees buckle as I see Liam standing at his knees holding onto his toy bear. 

As if sensing the exact second I decide to move, Lucian signals for the guards at my side to curtail my actions and I slowly shake my head as a sick sense of dread produces bile and it crawls to my throat, bitter and acrid.
    “Mama.” Liam reaches for me, his little arms outstretched, a gentle smile graces his lips and I look into his eyes, beautiful eyes, innocent eyes and I openly weep. 

Lucian scoops up Liam as another blast rocks the palace; only a few more and it will crumble beneath us. 

“He looks so much like me,” he quietly whispers as he runs his hands through Liam’s shoulder length locks. “A perfect little replica of his papa. I wanted us to be a family, we could’ve been a happy family.” his eyes lift to my own wet ones. “I could’ve made you happy.” 

“Lucian please don’t do this.” I beseech him, wanting with desperation to take my son from him.  

“Do you know what made me happy?” he continues. “Knowing that you loved me; knowing that we, Liam, you and I were a family.” 

“I do love you! You fathered my son Lucian and for that I will always love you.”

”You took my happiness away, Lea.”

“Not willingly, you knew! You knew that I could not love you! I only offered my friendship!” 

He ignores me as he turns back to the open field and I scream, struggling like mad against the biting hold of the soldiers as he places Liam on the very ledge of the parapets.

“No! No! Please God, No!” Liam begins to cry as panic overtakes me, rendering me weak.

“Mama! Mama!”

“Shhhh…” Lucian leans over to kiss Liam’s cheek in an attempt to calm him.

“Because you have taken my happiness away I think it is only fitting if I take away yours, let us both live in misery.”
    He is insane!

It all happens so fast. In a slow and creeping haze I hear your voice from off the distance shouting orders. And then the arrows rain, chaos breaks loose as though Pandora’s Box has been lifted open. I know not how you have managed to get at this very point but I did not care. Surged with a pounding force to reach my son I use your distraction and manage to detangle myself from the soldiers and with speed I do not know I have I run to the ledge seconds before Lucian can push him over. I yank on his arm, tugging his small, shaking body to me as we fall backwards, my body breaking his fall.

“Lealin!” I lift my head and through the chaos I see Salyn’s fiery red head, quickly he signals for me to run to him and I need no other incentive as I rise to my feet, cradling Liam to my chest I dodge through a barrage of arrows and corpses littering the stone floor and run to

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