The Concubine
he quickly interrupts me.

“Did the children see him?” 


“Do they know the truth?” 


“Did you sleep with him?”


“Did you?” His roar causes me to jump, while my heart thunders painfully in my chest.
    “It does not matter!”
    The moment I say the words, I wish them back as he reels on me so fast that I am left stunned. On the bed, cornered by his surmountable weight he takes my arms in his grasp and shakes me. “It does not matter?” he shakes me so hard that my teeth rattle. “It does not matter?” a resounding slap to my face I bite down on my tongue from the blow, blood flooding my mouth.
“It Matters! You stupid little whore! How could you have allowed such foolishness to happen? How could you willingly allow yourself to be fucked by that loathsome bastard? My wife!” the covers where immediately yanked off my person, leaving me utterly exposed to his wrathful, malevolent stare.

“This!” he pressed his fingers against the mark on higher most part of my thigh. “This marks you as mine! How could you have betrayed me!” a sense of déjà vu washed over me and I cynically ponder at the price only mortal men could set on my flesh. 

“How could I have betrayed you when I never belonged to you to begin with?” my personal battles with these two possessive men it seems always takes place on bed; how truly fortunate for me.

He looks at me with a look of utter betrayal. “You don’t love me?” 

“I love, Marik. Marik is my king, he is my master and he owns every last inch of my being. He is my soul mate, destined to be together for lifetimes to come. We will always find each other, no matter the distance because he and I are one.” the realization has just hit me, the truth of the words I speak a testament to what I feel, what I have felt. You are my everything, Marik and I know that I have loved you before just as I know I will love you again, in another time, in another place, we will always love again.

His laughter when it begins is maniacal and bone chilling. He alights from the bed and pinions me with his stare. “Well then, if that is how it is to be than I am afraid I will have to kill you.” He says it so easily, as though discussing the weather and I fear him in that moment because I know he means it.

“If I cannot have you, then he won’t either. I promise you, he will never lay his filthy hands on you again!” When he leaves me, I wonder whether this is how my story will end.
    I am entirely too weary, my love. I have not lived long, yet I feel as though I have lived many lifetimes in a span of a few short years. I was born into slavery. I have known nothing else but the dictates of powerful men, always leading me around on the leash that bound me to their laws. You were not my first lover, my King, but you are my only. You are the only one who holds my heart captive and with you I have known the sweet pleasures of the flesh. I known misery, I have known happiness. With you Marik I have learned love, and amassed limitless patience. With you I have fathered two beautiful boys and another with your enemy, but my love for them is unmeasured. Through my short life, I have gained wisdom, I have sinned and I have repented and if I were to forfeit that life today, know that it will not be in vain. 

As I awake this morning I am overcome with a wave of serenity I have not felt in forever. I have never felt this haunting calm that even now grips my bones with unrelenting sweetness. I have had another dream and in it I was naked in the middle of a verdant field. The wind whistling, its breath tenderly warm against my naked flesh. And then the storming clouds above my head opened up and rained. On me the heavens bleed, actual blood rained in pellets down on me and as I lifted my head and stuck out my hand it suddenly became clear to me. The chilling darkness from my daydream yesterday, last evening’s downpour of blood in my

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