The Chosen Sin

The Chosen Sin by Anya Bast

Book: The Chosen Sin by Anya Bast Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anya Bast
headed into the bathroom.

    AFTER a long, hot shower with the mineral-enriched water of the dome, Daria emerged from the bathroom wearing a pair of briefs and a tight T-shirt. She hoped it wasn’t too catnippy since she didn’t have much else to wear.
    The pulsing heat of the water had made her body tingle and relaxed her muscles. All she wanted was to crawl into bed and sleep. “Bathroom light, off,” she mumbled as she yawned.
    Alejandro had turned off the bedside table lamp, but artificial moon glow lit the room. She found she had excellent night vision now anyway.
    He’d slipped into bed and pulled the covers back on the side closest to her. He looked luscious lying there against all those crimson sheets and pillows. In fact, the sight stopped her dead in her tracks. “Can’t we do this somewhere other than the bed?” It was far too suggestive.
    â€œThe only chairs are the heavy wrought iron ones out in the garden. Do you want to go out there, or sit on the floor? It won’t be as comfortable.” He patted the mattress. “Come on, Daria, you need to feed and sleep. Anyway, remember we need to be exchanging our scents as much as possible. We need our skin touching.”
    Work, work, work.
    She climbed into the bed. His body heat had already warmed the mattress and the spicy male scent of him enveloped her. He pulled her toward him and wound his arms around her.
    Ah, heaven.
    All he wore was a pair of cotton boxers she could feel rubbing against her skin. His luscious, fantasy-inducing chest now lay flush up against her. Her nipples tightened and her cunt grew wet and warm. She wondered if Alejandro understood the power of his chest. Hell, he could succeed in world domination if the planet in question was comprised mostly of women.
    Despite herself, she let out a shuddering sigh at the sensation of his body against hers. She would never admit it aloud, but being with Alejandro made her feel safe and protected.
    She snuggled herself against him, finding a place for her head under his chin where she lay her ear to his chest. Daria closed her eyes and listened to his heartbeat. Every muscle in her body seemed to go limp as though she’d just had a massage. Exhaustion stole into her mind and made her thoughts come sluggishly.
    Alejandro brushed his hand through her hair. “Hey, Daria,” he murmured. “Don’t go to sleep. You still have to feed.”
    It took her a moment to answer. Her eyes fluttered open. “Uhn. I know.”
    The hunger and her fatigue warred within her body, but it was a struggle that barely registered in her mind. Her arm lay across Alejandro’s strong, warm body, her own body cushioned by the soft mattress.
    Fatigue was winning.
    If she hadn’t been so physically shattered from the changes the Choosing had wrought in her, she would have regarded Alejandro as far more of a stimulant than a relaxant. The hard planes of his body invited further exploration. If she’d been anything but completely whipped, that would have excited her sexually and upset her psychologically because of the conflicting desires between her body and mind.
    As it was, all she could do was lie in the protective circle of his arms and let his heartbeat lull her into the exhausted sleep her body demanded. She felt so heavy . . .
    â€œMmmm?” She let the undertow of her weariness pull her under.
ALEJANDRO lay awake, staring into the darkened room, with one of the biggest hard-ons of his life. Daria had fallen asleep in his arms. In her drowsiness, she’d inserted a long, slender bare leg between his thighs. She probably wasn’t even aware that she’d done it.
    Her smooth skin rubbed very close to his cock and every single muscle of his body had sprung to awareness because of it. One of her hands rested on his side, and his nose was buried in the scent of the damp hair at the crown of her head. Her luscious

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