The Candidate

The Candidate by Juliet Francis

Book: The Candidate by Juliet Francis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliet Francis
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day. I’m scrubbing the loo next. How is yours going?’
    ‘The RK role is bombing in front of my eyes.’ Ginny rubbed her forehead, hating to hear the words come out of her mouth but relieved to be able to say it out loud. ‘And I just had a run-in with bloody Miles.’
    ‘Miles? Again? Isn’t that like, twice in a week?’
    ‘Yep — random last time, but he came up here to talk to me today. The man is a creep; I can’t believe I slept with him. Ugh.’
    ‘Don’t say that. I’ve just eaten.’
    ‘What did he want?’
    ‘To congratulate me, apparently, but maybe he was trying to muscle in a bit. I don’t know.’ It wasn’t unusual for recruiters to team up on a project, although such arrangements were generally foisted on them by a client. ‘He was angry though. I reckon I’ve pissed him off, winning the RK account from him. He never would have thought I’d get it over him.’
    ‘He’s a nasty piece of work, hon. Don’t provoke him or anything.’
    ‘Don’t worry, I have no intention of going anywhere near the man. Anyway, it’s unusual for him to be up this end of town. I doubt I’ll see him again for another twelve months. Hopefully longer.’
    ‘Well, just watch your back. He’s a snake in the grass. Now, look — the purpose of my call: were you planning on coming over tonight?’
    Ginny thought of her plans with Mac. ‘Um, no, but I can if you need.’
    ‘No — the reverse. I was calling to warn you off, probably for the rest of the week. Both kids have a nasty cold. Paul brought it home from Sydney, spent all weekend in bed with ‘man flu’ and this morning, fighting fit, cheerily left me with two sick children. Bastard.’
    ‘Oh, Mads — no, I’ll come over. I’ll be right.’
    ‘No, you won’t. The last thing you have time for right now is a cold. You can find something more exciting than hanging out at ours anyway. Any hot dates lined up?’
    ‘I wouldn’t call it a date per se, but — well, Mac’s back.’
    ‘Mac? When?’
    ‘Don’t know. He just turned up here this morning.’ Ginny quickly ran her friend through the sketchy details.
    ‘Very interesting,’ Mads pondered. ‘Is he still hot?’
    ‘Jesus!’ Ginny exploded. ‘What is it with everyone suddenly thinking Mac is hot?’
    ‘He is hot.’ Madeleine sounded nonplussed. ‘I’d go as far as to describe him as sex on a stick. And there is no “suddenly” about it. Who else thinks so, since you seem blind to what is starkly obvious to the rest of womankind?’
    ‘Ange,’ Ginny muttered.
    ‘I always thought she was clever. Does he have the snow skank in tow?’
    Ginny laughed out loud. ‘We don’t know if she was a skank. She could have been perfectly nice.’
    ‘That whole “your change is in my pocket” move was skanky. Is she around?’
    ‘Don’t know. But I’ll be sure to ask him.’
    ‘You do that, my friend, and, if he’s still as lovely to look at as he used to be, bring him over, will you? I’m not too proud to perve.’
    ‘You’re married.’
    ‘I’m human,’ Mads countered. ‘Damn — Molly just woke up — I’d better go.’ And before Ginny could say goodbye, the line went dead.
    Poor wee mites, Ginny thought as she hung up the phone. It couldn’t be nice for George and Molly to be sick. Poor Mads, too. It probably wasn’t a lot of fun looking after two sick kids when your husband was in another country.

    Chapter 9
    The rest of the afternoon flew. When Ange said goodbye at five, Ginny — lost in the search work — barely raised her head.
    Ninety minutes later she stretched and rubbed a kink in her neck. Glancing at the time, she swore out loud.
    Shit! Mac was due in half an hour. She grabbed her phone to delay him but the call went straight to voicemail. Oh well, she could leave the downstairs door unlocked in case she was in the shower when he buzzed. He was a smart cookie; he’d work it out. Shutting down her computer and flicking off the

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