Pack Council
to get some up-close pictures on my phone camera, too.” Cain and Gray slipped out of the car.
    Kurt’s phone rang and he pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. “Hey,” he greeted Savannah.
    “Just wanted to give you a heads up. We got the warrants. We’ll be taking in Bruce Carter and several other men under arrest,” she told him.
    “When?” he asked. That could add a complication to their mission.
    “In a few hours. We’re waiting on backup from the State Police. The sheriff wants to offer again to call in the local authorities out where you are.”
    “No,” Kurt said. “The Council doesn’t want the humans to know yet. They want to keep this under wraps for now. Tell him I’ll let him know if anything changes.”
    “I understand.” She lowered her voice. “We’ll try to put off allowing them to call their lawyers as long as we can. You know what a hassle paperwork is.”
    He chuckled. “Yeah, that damn paperwork sure is time-consuming.”
    Kurt knew that Tony and Clint could hear their conversation. Tony was looking even more worried.
    “We can’t stop anyone not under arrest from using the phone, though. They could tip off Dan Carter,” she warned.
    “I know,” he replied. “We’ll work it out. Thanks for calling.”
    “No problem,” she told him. “Kurt, please be careful.”
    “I will,” he promised. “I’ll see you soon.” He pressed the off button and sighed. “We don’t have much time,” he told Clint and Tony.
    Tony already had his phone out, typing a message. “I’ll text Cain that we need to move up the timeline.”
    “So I guess all we can do is wait for now.”
    “Yeah,” Clint grumbled and sat back in his seat. They weren’t good at sitting around. Both men were used to being in the thick of things. But they would have to trust Cain and Gray. They had to get in and out without getting noticed by the human authorities.
    * * * *
    Savannah marched with determination up the front steps of the Church behind Sheriff Webb. It was three hours after she’d warned Kurt that they had got the warrants and finally they were ready to move.
    Hopefully Kurt had already taken care of what he’d needed to do. She couldn’t think of that now, though. With the help of Rudy, they knew where to look for illegal guns and the stack of cash, and she had a job to do.
    They’d make damn sure that this branch of the Church would not hurt anyone else.
    Sheriff Webb pounded on the door. Savannah rolled onto the balls of her feet, ready for trouble. A young blond man answered the door. He took one look at the sheriff and his deputies along with the several State Police officers and his eyes widened.
    “Open the door, son,” Sheriff Webb said in a firm voice. “We have a warrant.”
    The young man stepped back until his back was against the wall across from the door.
    “Savannah,” Sheriff Webb barked. “Take two of the officers and get to the office. I want everything secure in there. If you come across Bruce Carter, read him his rights.”
    “On it.” She motioned two officers to go with her and they trooped down the hall.
    Several people stuck their heads out of rooms, but Savannah ignored them. Sheriff Webb would assign someone to get them out of the way. They had a warrant for all the electronics on the property and they needed to move fast. They couldn’t let Bruce erase any data, and they knew the cash and weapons were located in the locked basement.
    She turned down the hall that led to Bruce Carter’s office and saw him step out.
    She held up her badge. “Bruce Carter, you are under arrest for the purchase and distribution of illegal firearms.”
    Bruce gasped and his face turned red with fury. “What is this?” he demanded. “Do you know who I am? Who my father is?”
    “Yes, sir,” she responded as she stepped in front of him. “Please turn around.” She wanted him to fight, at least try to run. But he proved himself the coward he was and just stood

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