The Bryson Blood Wars

The Bryson Blood Wars by Cynthia Blue, Nyeshia

Book: The Bryson Blood Wars by Cynthia Blue, Nyeshia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Blue, Nyeshia
Opal didn’t know what to think from the first time he opened his mouth. She didn’t know if she should just get up and go, or sit and listen. If she moved she knew that Wallace would get up and follow her or say something totally disrespectful. Besides, she was curious about this so-called plan of his.
                  “What is this plan of yours consists of, first?” She asked.
                  Wallace began to explain, “Alright, baby, here is the plan. You know your sister Clover got that insurance company with her bakery? Well, without telling her or letting her know, I want you to switch it with mines. While I was away, I was building my insurance company and I did well for a while, but I know if we could get Clover’s business on board then we’ll be good to go. I can offer her twice as much money than the company she’s with now, baby.” Wallace’s wheels were turning in his head. This was all a part of his plan.
                  Opal was confused, “But, why do you want me to switch Clover’s business insurance without telling her? Why do you even want to do that?”
                  “I want to do something nice and start all over. I was a jerk and I want to make it up to her and show you I have changed, since one day she is going to be my sister-in-law. That’s if you still want to be with me.” Wallace pleaded his case with sincerity in his voice.
                  “Of course, I want to. You know I love you. I just want for you to stop disrespecting me and stop running away when things get tough and communicate with me, that’s all.” Opal pleaded with desperation while holding Wallace’s hands.
                  “I know baby, I am sorry for letting my pride stop me from talking to you. I had to clear my head, which took longer than expected, but it all worked out because of my insurance company. Things could be coming around, if you do your part of the plan.” He mentioned that part to her again.
                  “I don’t know. This is my second week working for Clover. It just doesn’t feel right,” Opal said.
                  “I understand. Once you get the hang of things at the new job you should have access to Clover’s current insurance information and you can just switch it, babe. This is a blessing in disguise. You got to trust me on this.” Wallace tried to convince her.
                  “I will think about it. I promise.” Opal told him.
                  “Okay, babe. I love you.” Wallace kissed Opal on the cheek fast before she left to get ready for work. “I know you will make the right choice.” You better! You dumb fat bitch ! He thought.
                  Opal was hard at work in the office while Clover was making a presentation to a customer. Opal was really starting to like her new job. Actually working was the only thing that gave Opal peace, because it took her mind off her drama-filled life. Opal was organizing some files when her phone started to ring. She took the phone out of her purse and saw that the caller was Dennis.
                  “Hi Dennis,” Opal answered with a smile.
                  “Hey Opal. Just checking on you to see how the new job is going,” Dennis said.
                  “It’s going very smoothly so far,” Opal said.
                  “I wish I could say the same,” Dennis sighed. “It’s a mess down here dealing with this closure.”
                  “I feel you.” Opal said with sympathy. “But it’ll be all over soon. You just have to hang in there.”
                  “Right, I can’t wait for this fresh start in Atlanta.” Dennis said with hope in his voice. By hoping he meant to be closer to Opal.
                  “I’m sure you’ll love it up here,” Opal said. She looked up and saw Clover

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