Collateral Damage (Demon Squad Book 8)

Collateral Damage (Demon Squad Book 8) by Tim Marquitz

Book: Collateral Damage (Demon Squad Book 8) by Tim Marquitz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim Marquitz
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knew well enough to not trust them. Of course, they made that part easy by attacking her.
    “And so the Lord offers us another opportunity to slay the seed of Lucifer!” the old man shouted as he loosed a bolt of energy at my cousin.
    That was likely the worst possible thing he could have called her. The look on her face was as if he’d shoved a shit-flavored lemon in her mouth. She sidestepped the blast and grabbed one of the soldiers by his throat, winging him at the old man.
    “I am not the spawn of that vile serpent!” She was on Trinity before any of them could react.
    The Father—calling him that was gonna get old real fast—batted aside the DSI agent like a piece of fluff in the breeze, but he wasn’t quite as lucky with Scarlett. Her blade carved a trail across his burgundy robes, pale skin showing underneath for just an instant before the whiteness was washed out with red. He grunted and stumbled back, clutching at his stomach but it hadn’t been a mortal blow.
    “You will die just the same,” the revenant shrieked.
    Jagged claws sank into Scarlett’s arm, holding her in place, as the Spirit’s other hand ripped across her chest and up toward her neck. Scarlett twisted to protect her throat, managing to turn the blow away at the last second. The claws gouged chunks out of my cousin’s shoulder, blood and black ooze bubbling up in the wounds. She screamed through clenched teeth and shrugged the revenant off but the old man wasn’t done with her. That’s when I put a bullet in his ass.
    Or at least tried to.
    The Son reached out with Longinus’s sword and deflected my shot, lead clanging against mystical steel. He laughed at me, and once again I found myself imagining how I’d kill the little bastard; this time I was fist-fucking his ear hole. The thought made me happy. I was on him before he finished smirking.
    Guns still out, I took to pistol-whipping the little fucker. The barrel smashed into his nose with a satisfying crunch , and I backhanded him with the magazine of the other gun, snapping his head sideways. He was a tough little shit, though.
    The kid turned with the blow and let momentum spin him about. Before I’d even registered what he was doing, he’d driven his stolen sword into my side. I screamed as the magical blade sank into the meat several inches, igniting a fire inside me. The steel ripped free when I jumped backward, keeping him from impaling me. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been, but it was gonna leave a hell of a mark. My entire side throbbed, and I could feel threads of pain pulsing down my leg, threatening to hobble me.
    “Frank!” Scarlett cried out, seeing me get stabbed.
    The old man punched her in the face while she was distracted. She crumpled in surprise, falling to a knee, but the thing few people living know about my cousin is that she takes a hit like a champ. She caught the Father’s second punch in her palm, twisting his wrist away at an ugly angle. He grunted at the unexpected move, but she wasn’t done yet. She drove the pommel of her sword into his breadbasket with the force of a bullet train. There was a sharp crack as the old man’s arm snapped at the elbow, slipping free of Scarlett’s grip, and he went flying, tumbling asshole over elbows. Scarlett hopped to her feet, wiping the blood from her lip as the Spirit closed on her.
    I put my guns away and charged the kid, ignoring my wound as best I could. It slowed me down just enough. The revenant got in a few more slashes at Scarlett, leaving her face and arms dripping blood and ichor, but the ghost would have to do better than that to take her out. The kid, however, was far more effective.
    He darted in under the wailing arms of the Spirit and sliced an ugly gash in Scarlett’s thigh that nearly crippled her. Steel clashed as she batted his sword away, ripping it from her leg, and drove her forehead into the side of his skull. He crumpled, and I took advantage of the opportunity to treat him to

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