The Bryson Blood Wars

The Bryson Blood Wars by Cynthia Blue, Nyeshia Page A

Book: The Bryson Blood Wars by Cynthia Blue, Nyeshia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Blue, Nyeshia
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walking into the office. “Oh, Clover just walked into the office. We’ll talk later. Bye, Dennis.”
                  “Bye, Opal and say hi to Clover for me,” Dennis said before hanging up the phone.
                  “Your buddy Dennis from Miami?” Clover guessed with a smile.
                  “Yes it was,” Opal answered. “He said ‘hi’ by the way.”
                  “That was sweet of him,” Clover said. She never met Dennis but likes him based on Opal’s description. He seems like a good friend. He even sent flowers when Opal and Clover’s father died and convinced Opal to believe Clover about Kayson and patch things up with her. Clover felt like she was forever in debt to Dennis for helping her get her sister back.
                  “He’s having a difficult time with the closure and can’t wait to move here,” Opal volunteered.
                  “He’s moving here?” Clover asked in disbelief.
                  “Yes, his frat brother’s son made him a business proposition and he accepted,” Opal said.
                  “Good for him,” Clover said with a nod. “It’ll be nice to finally meet Dennis. You talk about him so much. Besides, I don't know what he looks like.”
                  “Really? Oh?” Opal pulled her phone back out and went to the pictures and picked one that she was in to show Clover. “This is from his mother’s birthday party last year and she invited me. This is Dennis, his mom, and her husband. Also, his younger brother and sister from another mother Donavan and Tasha, they’re twins.” Opal explained as she pointed at each individual in the picture.
                  He is fine! Clover thought. Look like a short slightly lighter version of Morris Chestnut with dark hazel eyes. Clover also noticed as she was looking through the pictures that Dennis glows every time he’s around Opal. That’s the same glow Sharp has when Clover is nearby. This guy is in love with my sister! Clover concluded to herself and gave the phone back to Opal. “How’s it going in here?” She asked.
                  “Great,” Opal said with a smile.
                  “Amazing! You’ve been here for two weeks and you have this place running like clockwork.” Clover said and gave Opal a big hug and kiss on the cheek. “I really appreciate you.”
                  “No, thank you for giving me this job,” Opal said with great appreciation.
                  “Opal!” Wallace’s voice was heard all the way from the main area.
                  That voice sounds familiar. It couldn’t be. Clover followed Opal to the main area and discovered that her suspicions were correct. “Wallace! What..the..what?” Clover stuttered in disbelief. That was all she could do.
                  “Yeah Wallace is back,” Opal said nervously. She had no idea Wallace was going to pop up at the bakery. She wasn’t quite ready to make their reconciliation news yet. “I’ll admit I was shocked too.”
                  “Hi Clover!” Wallace greeted with his sexy seductive smile and pulled Clover into a big hug, but she didn’t return the hug. “You look more beautiful than ever. It’s been so long!”
                  Why is this nigga hugging me like we cool? Clover asked herself before politely pushing him away. “Yeah three years to be exact,” She managed to hide the sarcasm. “So where you been? The last time we saw you was when you left Opal stranded at me and Sharp’s anniversary party so you could take some random hoe home after Calista had to lay hands on her for shamelessly throwing herself at Bray.” Clover recapped.
                  Opal went on to explain. “He was being a good samaritan by giving Xizzy a ride home and he explained that nothing happened

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