The Brookfield Series Volume One

The Brookfield Series Volume One by Lacey Wolfe

Book: The Brookfield Series Volume One by Lacey Wolfe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Wolfe
Tags: Contemporary, Anthologies
settled like I had hoped it would be before Lila got here. I’m just glad to finally have you here.”
    Margret hugged her. “Follow your heart. If you don’t try, you’ll always live with regret. And I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you felt you needed me most. I really thought you were just home for a surprise visit. And then when I learned of the blizzard, I had a real chuckle. When I met Mark, I thought he was perfect for you. I had hoped you two would get to know one another. I hope you know though that if I’d known how much you really needed me, I would’ve been there in a heartbeat.”
    “I know, Mom.”
    As her mother held her, Julie felt the comfort she had been longing for. Mom could always make it better. It was up to her now to figure out the rest of it.
    * * *
    Her mother’s visit went by too fast. In only a few hours, she would be taking her to the airport for her flight. Julie had to insist on driving her instead of catching a cab and paying the fare. Her crazy mom had wanted to feel like a real New Yorker, waving down the cabs. This was something Julie hated and really wished the city was a place that was more convenient for driving.
    They currently were sitting in a small bistro-style restaurant Julie loved and knew her mother would, too. The food wasn’t quite as expensive here, which made her feel better since her mother was insisting on paying.
    After ordering, her mom took her hand and held it a moment. “I have an offer for you.”
    “If you want the house in Brookfield, it’s yours.”
    “I couldn’t possibly.” She shook her head.
    “It’s too big for just me. I like traveling. I think I want to stay south in the winter. I’m over all the snow. I want to be sitting by a pool in Miami on Christmas.”
    Julie chuckled. “I highly doubt they do that there, Mom.”
    “You never know. Either way, that’s what I want. I’d like to come home in the summer, but I want something small. That house has gotten to be too much for me. And it would be perfect for you and Lila.”
    “What about Mark?”
    “He’s welcome, too.”
    Julie rolled her eyes. “I meant, if he doesn’t want to be with me, where will he go? He lives there.”
    “He does. But he’s renting. By now, he should be established enough to get his own place if he’s that stupid to not be with you.”
    Julie wanted to argue with her, but what good would it do? Her mom believed in true love and happy endings. Julie wasn’t so sure she did. With the way things were right now, she was sure there was some sort of curse over her head. A dark raincloud waiting to pour buckets of water on her.
    She thanked her mom and said she’d think about it. The first thing to think about was what in the world she would possibly do there.
    After dinner, they headed to the airport. Due to securities, Julie had to say goodbye to her mother right after she checked her baggage. She hugged her tightly and told her they would talk soon. Margret promised to visit when Lila came and stay with her a few weeks until she was ready to be on her own. Julie was thrilled. She knew it wasn’t going to be easy. She’d never even owned a pet. Maybe she should get a fish to start with?
    * * *
    Over the next few weeks, Julie’s belly grew larger, and her energy levels tanked. She was nearing seven months and wondered where people got their information for these baby books. They all said she should be glowing and bursting with energy, but it took everything in her to make it through one day and drag herself off the elevator at night.
    She still had not found a place, and she was beginning to think it was a sign. Her hotel room was getting way too cramped between her stuff and the baby’s. She was supposed to be setting up for a nursery in the seventh month, according to the books. She couldn’t have a baby and keep living in this damn hotel room.
    Julie was seriously lost. Things just weren’t right, and she somehow needed to

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