The Black Stars

The Black Stars by Dan Krokos

Book: The Black Stars by Dan Krokos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dan Krokos
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before Lore hushed him.
    â€œYou’re right, this is amazing,” Grubare said from the middle of the room. “We’re making history, isn’t that right? Humans, not only on Skars, but inside our facilities, learning our secrets. It is so amazing. ”
    â€œI’m sorry, sir,” Jiric said.
    â€œSilence. You’re to write an essay about the meaning of the word amazing and its relation to the human race. By tomorrow.” Grubare turned his dark gaze upon Mason and Tom. “I have been asked to tolerate you in my classroom. No, I have been ordered to tolerate you. Do not disturb the lesson.”
    â€œWe aren’t plan—” Mason began.
    â€œYou are disturbing it right now.” As if to send the point home, the creature chirped and climbed up Grubare’s sleeve to settle on his shoulder. And as soon as it was settled, it popped up and disappeared into a fold inside Grubare’s robe. “And you are disturbing my gromsh.”
    Gromsh? “I’m—”
    Tom nudged Mason with his elbow, a gesture Mason had learned meant, Shut it, Stark, if you know what’s good for you. So Mason shut it.
    Grubare went on with some lesson about the current socioeconomic climate emerging from the western continent and the impact it would have in trade over the coming decade.
    Mason assumed this was some boring economics class (Academy I and II had their fair share of those), but then he heard Po whisper to Risperdel, “Why are we learning economics? We’re supposed to go over defensive tactics for zero-gravity battles. We have a test this week.” Mason, having missed the first four weeks of the semester, hoped he and Tom wouldn’t have to take it.
    Risperdel shrugged, then lifted her chin in Mason and Tom’s direction. “Maybe he doesn’t want to teach them. ”
    Mason and Tom found the lesson interesting, though without context Mason didn’t really know what Grubare was talking about. The rest of the lesson finished without incident, mainly because Mason was able to keep his mouth shut the entire time. Still, Grubare’s eyes found him often, as if searching for some reason to scold. It was only at the end of the class that Grubare said, “Make sure your belts are operational. Tomorrow we will be in the gravity room, and we will see if you can continue your training here at this school.”
    Jiric and Risperdel exchanged worried looks.
    Mason expected more classes throughout the day, but at lunch Po told him everything after this would be “physical” in nature. Meaning combat. Mason felt his blood quicken at the word. He was ready to show the Rhadgast what he could do.
    â€œThey’re going to test us,” Tom said beside him. “See what the humans are made of.”
    â€œWhatever gave you that idea?” Mason said.
    Tom ignored him. “Oh look, they’re testing us now.”
    A group of four Stones were walking toward them from across the refectory, which was at the very top of the dome, on the side overlooking the valley. One entire wall was curved glass that ended at the top of the dome. From this high up, Mason could see deep into the valley and the mountains beyond.
    The lead Stone reached the table and said nothing.
    â€œHello,” Mason said. Perhaps they just wanted to greet the school’s newest rhadjen. Perhaps they wanted to be Mason’s new best friend.
    â€œGo sit down, Juneful,” Lore said calmly. Juneful. Was he from the same royal family as Reckful?
    She wasn’t exactly defending them, but Mason appreciated the gesture.
    â€œYou’re going to get all of us in trouble,” Jiric added.
    Mason caught Risperdel’s eye, and she rolled hers. “Just be cool,” she whispered. Mason nodded.
    â€œYou’re on the Blood side now?” Juneful said to Lore, after taking five seconds to process her statement. He was clearly the leader of the four. His hair

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