The Black Stars

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Book: The Black Stars by Dan Krokos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dan Krokos
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“I don’t think tactically that would—”
    â€œSit down, ” Reckful said. He put his hand on Mason’s shoulder and pushed him into his seat. Mason instantly transformed his gloves into bracers.
    â€œWhat is the meaning of this?” roared a voice from the other end of the refectory. It was the head of the Stones, Master Rayasu. He stormed into the empty space between the tables, his robes flaring out around him, violet eyes blazing in a way that had to be artificial. Mason saw Grubare, who still wore nothing to signify if he was Blood or Stone, standing in the corner, watching. His gromsh perched on his shoulder, staring at Mason with at least one of its eyes.
    â€œA little altercation, that’s all,” Reckful said.
    â€œAltercation?” Master Rayasu said it like he’d never heard of the word before.
    Reckful seemed prepared with a response. “Well, I’m sure these four didn’t come over to our newest students and say hello, only to have Mason and Tom dump food on them and push them on the floor from a seated position. I can’t imagine one human, unprovoked, doing that to four Stones … can you?”
    â€œHow dare you…” Master Rayasu said to Reckful.
    â€œMaster Rayasu,” Reckful said, not cowering before the leader of the Stones, “would you kindly ask your students to sit down?”
    All the Stones in the refectory were still standing. Mason could suddenly feel his pulse in his ears and neck. If this had been an ESC cafeteria, the instructors would’ve ended the fight and sent all offending parties to the brig, where the details may or may not be uncovered. Here it seemed like the two instructors were about to tear each other apart.
    Po stood up. “Sir, Juneful was about to smash the tray into Mason’s face. Mason was just faster.”
    â€œHe’s right,” Lore said. “I warned them. I told you to sit down, Juneful.” Mason had a feeling she wasn’t defending him so much as she was embarrassed by the Stones.
    Once Lore spoke, Master Rayasu frowned, some of the anger draining from his face. It seemed that a Stone speaking against another Stone settled the matter, at least with everyone watching. “I see,” he said.
    Master Rayasu looked down at Juneful, who appeared to be waiting for permission to move. Bluish-green food dripped off the end of his chin into his lap. “Stand up. You embarrass every Stone.” With that, Master Rayasu stalked away.
    Juneful stood up along with his friends, but there was a new look in his eye. It wasn’t the simple boredom that drives most bullies to bully. This was something new, something dangerous and calculated. Mason had just made fools out of them in front of the entire refectory, nearly a hundred rhadjen, who would no doubt spread the news throughout the school by end of day.
    Reckful audibly breathed a sigh of relief.
    Mason twisted around to look up at him. “I’m really sorry. They were going to ruin my robes.”
    Reckful sighed again. “Robes can be cleaned, you know. You realize this is still your first day of classes?”
    â€œYes, sir.”
    Reckful didn’t say goodbye, he just left, following after Master Rayasu. Mason imagined them having some knock-down, drag-out Rhadgast fight in the hallways, away from the students. Wall-to wall-lightning, and all that. He wondered who would win in that situation.
    When Mason turned back to the table, everyone was staring at him and Tom again.
    â€œDo you know what you’ve done?” Lore said. “Juneful isn’t dumb. He won’t forget.”
    â€œNeither will I,” Mason said.
    Lore snorted through her nose, as if to say You have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Chapter Fourteen
    After lunch, Mason was disappointed to find out that first-time rhadjen had to undergo stringent health and stamina evaluations. Mason and Tom spent three

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