Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)

Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint) by Erica Chilson

Book: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint) by Erica Chilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Chilson
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    “Yes, dam mit,” I yell, and then I say softly, “Fuck if I know why, though.”
    “Trust me on this. I knew who to pick for you. She’s perfect, exactly what will please you.” Pride and pleasure infuse his voice.
    “Come, pet, introduce yourself.” Master Ez coaxes.
    “Wait!” I fling my hand in front of me to ward off the girl. My body starts to tremble as fear screams through me. “No touch!”
    “Hmm, we will break you of this eventually.” Master Ez’s hands slide down my chest and take a handful of my large breasts. His grip tightens and releases, causing my breasts to jiggle. It’s so annoyingly distracting that I forget my fears.
    “Casual touch is fine, yes?”  He preens into my ear a s he palms my breasts. I relax into his touch, body beginning to experience the first stirrings of lust.
    “Pet and I have already discussed limits. K atya, we will push those limits,” he warns in a slippery smooth tone. His hands painfully squeeze my breasts to accentuate his point.
    To stop a further threat and assault from Master Ez, I decide to introduce myself. “Nice to meet you… um?” I hold out my hand to shake and wait for her to fill in the blank.
    A soft , feminine hand settles into mine, slightly larger than my own. She doesn’t shake my hand. She just clasps our hands together and doesn’t say a word. Creepy.
    “Pet isn’t to speak as you aren’t to see.” Ez’s voice is ominous in my ear.
    “Ever?” A flash of fear strikes at the thought of never seeing my Dom’s face or hearing my sub’s voice.
    “You may see after you’ve identified us both. It’s part of the game. We will still keep the mask for playtime. My instincts tell me that you may grow to love sensory deprivation. Pet’s lack of voice is part of the game as well.”
    “I know her don’t I?” I excitedly say. “That’s why I can’t see her or hear her voice. I’d recognize it and her. Why aren’t you nervous that I’ll recognize your voice, too?”
    “Ah, I feared that at first. But I’m the Boss for a reason. My voice changes to match my mood. My every day voice is not the same as my master voice. Pet’s voice, however, is very distinct.”
    “I… um… what? Your voice changes pitch?” I stumble over my words as the implications of what he just admitted sink in, and it scares me. How the hell will I ever figure out who Master Ez is so I can take this mask off and see him with my own two eyes? He’s not playing fair, but then again, he’s the one who makes the rules.
    “Enough talking, get acquainted.” His voice was firm, an order.
    Pet kneels at my feet and leans against my knees. My hands move on my Dom’s command, no thought needed. Velvet soft skin slides beneath my fingertips and palms as they roam up her neck and face. As a blind person does, I use my fingertips to see. Fingertips hesitantly stroke her creamy skin, imprinting her facial features into my mind’s eye. Her mouth opens on a moan as my fingers pass her pouty lips.
    “Good girl, ” Master Ez praises. “She’d been very frustrated waiting on you. Isn’t she soft?” Master Ez’s voice is lulling.
    “Yes, Master Ez, ” I dreamily reply. Relaxed, all feelings of panic and anxiety flee. But beneath the comfort, lust lies. 
    Using my fingertips as eyes, I try to recognize her. Her silky hair is bound so I can’t ascertain length. Big eyes and a pouty mouth speed my pulse. I want to know what color her hair and skin are, the suspense is killing me. I bet that is part of Ez’s game.
    My hand smoothes down her voluptuous curves. Ez was right. He knew exactly what I liked. My other hand rounds her bottom and discovers she’s bare to my touch. A breath shudders out of her mouth, catching my body on fire.
    “So smooth, ” my hands glide over her body- luxuriating in the sensation of her flesh beneath mine. A spark of apprehension lights as I realize I’m stroking someone I don’t know and I’m not sure if it is

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