The Big One-Oh

The Big One-Oh by Dean Pitchford

Book: The Big One-Oh by Dean Pitchford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dean Pitchford
of cows on them; paper plates with lassoes printed around the edges; and a paper tablecloth covered with drawings of bucking broncos and cacti .
    â€œI just went to browse, and I couldn’t help myself! I got such a kick out of buying it all,” Mom was chattering away as I stared in shock. “Come to think of it, it’s the one nice thing that happened all day.”
    She turned to me with a big smile and said, “What do you think?”
    I didn’t answer right away, because I knew I had a choice: I could either break down and tell Mom about the House of Horrors birthday that I had promised everybody, and, by doing so, I would probably crush her spirits.
    Or, I could say what I said.
    â€œOh, cool. Cowboys.”

    â€œIs it true? Is it true?! ” Jennifer Mobley was panting with excitement as she raced down the hallway toward me, hair flying, braces sparkling.
    â€œIs what true?”
    â€œYou’re throwing a House of Horrors Birthday Party?! I know I’m not invited or anything, but I hear people talking, and I just gotta ask you . . .”—she lowered her voice—“. . . how’re you going to do it, Charley? How’re you going to scare people? Can you give me a hint? Just a little one?”
    I winced at her questions, and she quickly stepped back. “Oh, okay! I totally understand. You don’t have to tell me now and ruin the surprise. But maybe you can take pictures and make notes, and tell me afterwards? Huh? Please? Promise?”
    â€œI don’t know,” I mumbled as I busied myself with school-books. “I’m thinking now that maybe it’s not such a good theme. Maybe I should change it.”
    Jennifer’s mouth flew open with shock. “What? You can’t change it! Your theme is . . . is genius! ”
    I almost said “Really? You think so?” but just then, from behind us, Cougar spoke: “He can’t change what?”
    We turned to find that Cougar and Scottie had been eavesdropping.
    â€œHe’s gonna change his birthday theme!” Jennifer practically exploded to Cougar, momentarily forgetting that she never speaks to him.
    Cougar clapped me on the shoulder. “Oh, man. We gotta talk.”
    â€œExcuse me?” Jennifer said to Cougar, pointing between herself and me. “ We’re already talking here.”
    â€œOh, I believe you are through,” Cougar sneered.
    â€œI don’t believe we are,” Jennifer sneered back.
    â€œHmm. That’s odd,” said Cougar pensively. He stuck a finger in his nose, pulled it out and examined his fingernail. “Cuz this booger says that you are through.”
    And when he thrust his finger at Jennifer’s face, she threw up her hands, shrieked, “Ew, Leland!” and ran off down the hall.
    Cougar swiped his finger on his jeans and turned to me. “So, what’s goin’ on?”
    â€œI’m . . . I’m having second thoughts,” I said weakly. “About my party theme.”
    â€œWhat kind of second thoughts?” Cougar’s eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Cuz I’m telling you right now—you’d better not have a clown.”
    â€œClowns give him nightmares,” Scottie sniggered to me.
    â€œThat was only one time!” snapped Cougar. He turned back to me. “And don’t even think about cowboys.”
    â€œEww! Cowboys . . . blecch!” Scottie stuck out his tongue in disgust.
    So I sure wasn’t going to tell them what Mom had already bought.
    â€œLook, man,” Cougar suddenly sounded threatening. “You announced a House of Horrors party. You better at least try to scare people.”
    â€œYeah,” Scottie nodded. “Even if you can’t.”
    â€œBut it’s not easy!” I blurted out. “Scaring people.”
    Cougar shook his head. “Oh, I dunno. That bloody-eyeball-thing of yours had me going pretty

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