The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake

The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake by Sam Crescent

Book: The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
important to me.”
    The laughter stopped. “You’re being serious. You
mean every word you say.”
    “I’ve never been known for anything other the
truth.” Tristan glanced down at the torn up photo.
    “How do I know you’re not looking for a chance to
leave Vicki?” he asked.
    Tristan leaned forward. “Because
I’m going to give you this. When I come back I want that back.” He
handed Stefan a diamond encrusted wedding band. “I intend to claim Vicki as my
own. She’s not going to be hurt because the woman I married thirsts for my
money. The town accept you, and I’ve already prepared a news bulletin to go
    Stefan shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m
considering this.”
    “Marla is at the station every day apart from
Sunday. If you want a chance with her now is your time.”
    “Fuck. Fine, I’ll do it. Consider me covering your
ass while you’re gone.” Stefan made to pass the ring back.
    “No. I don’t want the ring back. I want you to keep
it as a sign of my good faith. I’m coming back to Law Castle, and when I do a
wedding is being planned.”
    Tristan stood, shook Stefan’s hand, and let himself
    Marla wouldn’t like the thought of the other man
being in the station, but she’d soon grow accustomed to Stefan.
    Instead of going to Vicki’s house, Tristan went
home. He spent most of the evening packing. His home was paid for. He wished he
didn’t have to leave Law Castle. The small town was the place he’d called home,
but Vicki was his future. He needed to stop running away out of fear of what
his ex-wife would do or say.
    After a restful night’s sleep, Tristan made his way
to the station to alert Marla to the changes in staff. He didn’t think Stefan
walking into the station to take his place would have gone down all that well.
    Cameron waited for him in the car. “Are you ready
for this?”
    “I want Kate out of my life. I’ve got a woman I owe
my future to.” Buckling up his seatbelt Tristan took one last glance of the
town before driving away. When he got back to Law Castle, Vicki Burke was going
to be his wife.
month later
    Vicki stared out of Stefan’s window. She still
worked for him inside his home, but her heart was no longer in it. Her thoughts
were always steered toward the one man she’d given her heart and body to. The
same man she hadn’t seen in over a month. The fair, which brought her parents
to town, was a success. Several businesses felt the boom from the event. She
spent the weekend convincing her father she didn’t need to leave Law Castle.
Stefan took over the conversation convincing her parents she should stay in
    Tristan wasn’t a stranger to her. He didn’t leave
town and disappear. Instead, he kept in touch via phone. She loved his calls.
Hearing his voice gave her a buzz that no alcohol could replace. They could
spend hours on the phone talking and laughing. He’d even paid for them both to
watch a movie together over the phone.
    They never discussed his divorce. There were times
he sounded more stressed than others. She was afraid to ask him questions in
case he told her something she didn’t wish to hear. What she did know was when
he went back to the city he hadn’t filed for divorce straight away. Stefan
informed her that Tristan was looking in more detail to try to get Kate off his
back. The information was taking a lot longer to dig up than he liked.
    Vicki wished it was easier for Tristan. She’s heard
several divorces could happen within days and weeks providing both parties
wanted the divorce. Tristan was treading carefully because of her reputation.
He clearly didn’t want to drag her into his battle with his ex.
    Zoe and Stefan were like her rocks. They talked to
her all the time about what could be happening and how much Tristan really
cared about her.
    No matter what happened, Vicki still panicked. Kate
might really love him, and then she’d be screwed.
    Her constant obsessing had her friends

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