The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake

The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake by Sam Crescent Page B

Book: The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
presence stood in her living room.
    “Yes, Sir,” she said.
    “Good girl.” There was silence, some movement, and
then he came back over the line. “Place your hand over your sweet pussy.”
    Vicki did as she was told.
    “Spread those plump, wet lips for me.”
    She gasped at the smallest of feelings.
    “I bet you’re so sensitive. My tongue and fingers
would be too much for you.” She couldn’t argue with him. “We’ll have to get you
used to the feel of touching yourself before I get hold of you,” he said.
    “I look forward to it.”
    “I bet you do, sweetheart. Take two fingers and
press them to your clit. I want you to stroke yourself, feeling your wetness.”
    “I’m doing it,” she said, gasping for breath.
    “Good. I’m going to tell you what I’m going to do to
you when I get my hands on you.” She continued to stroke herself while
listening to what Tristan had to say. “I’m going to take you upstairs to your
bedroom and strip every item of clothing from your body. When we’re both naked
I’m going to take you to the bed.”
    Vicki pictured them both together. His hand touching her body, caressing her all over her body. They’d never been naked together. She looked forward to them being together.
    “Then I’m going to press you to the bed. The first
time I get my mouth on you I won’t be able to keep you still so I’m going to
tie you to the bed. When your hands are tied I’m going to tie your feet but
just enough so I can move you to where I want you.”
    Her clit was swelling with every passing second. Her
cream was dripping out of her pussy. Vicki pressed her fingers to her cream and
coated her clit with more lubrication.
    “I’m going to lick your cunt until you come all over
my face.” She’d missed some of his description. “When I’ve brought you to
climax only then will I fuck you.”
    She cried out as her orgasm shot through her body.
Holding the phone to her ear she bowed her back as her release took her
completely by surprise. She rode her climax until she was panting for breath.
    “It’s okay, baby. I’m here.”
    “I love you, Tristan. I really love you.”
    “I know, Vicki. I’ll be with you soon. I promise.”
    After they said their goodbyes, Vicki allowed
herself to cry. Her release was amazing, but it wasn’t enough. How much longer
could she take without him in her life?

    Two months later
    Vicki let out a sigh as she pulled another month off
her calendar with still no sign of Tristan back in her life. The summer months
were gone in Law Castle, and they were back preparing for the winter. Fall was
turning out to be one of the coldest ones yet. The baking festival around the
town for the locals might still be cancelled. Every year there was a big fire
in the town where people went and threw something on. They were riding the
summer wave and getting ready for winter.
    It was a dangerous and stupid tradition but one
Vicki attended regardless.
    “Another month has gone by. When was the last time
you heard from him?” Zoe asked. Her friend was sat in the sitting room with her
feet up. She was over eight months pregnant and very close to giving birth.
Jake, Brent, and Connor were beside themselves with worry. Vicki couldn’t
believe they let Zoe stay with her for any length of time.
    “It has been a couple of days since we last spoke.”
She wasn’t going to mention the teary end to the last conversation. Tristan was
adamant of hearing her touch herself during their phone conversation. The
orgasm that came from their phone calls to each other left her unsatisfied.
    “What’s the matter, Vicki? You sound upset.”
    “I don’t know. I’m starting to think I’m being led
on,” Vicki said, grabbing her hot chocolate and joining her friend in the
sitting room.
    “How come?”
    “It has been over three months, Zoe. How long is a
girl supposed to wait? This is not just about the divorce anymore. It’s about
him cutting ties or

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