The Age of Wonder
    Resolution, HMS, 47
    Resonico, Prince, 168
    respiration, 245-6, 259
    Revesby, 52
    Reynolds, Sir Joshua: portrait of Banks, 43; portrait of Omai, 51; impressed by Lunardi’s ballooning, 140-1
    Richmond, Tom, 14
    Rickman, John, 53, 264
    Ridley, Matthew, 429n
    Ritchie, Joseph, 234
    Ritter, Johann Wilhelm, 315, 328-30; Fragments of a Young Physicist, 329
    Robert, M. (Alexandre Charles’s ballooning assistant), 131-2
    Roberts, Upton, 375
    Robespierre, Maximilien, 247
    Robinson, Henry Crabb, 348
    Rodin, Auguste: The Thinker (sculpture), 404n
    Roget, Dr Peter Mark, 264, 302, 402
    Romain, Pierre, 153-4
    Romanticism: supposed hostility to science, xv-xvii; and science biography, 94n; and scientific discovery, 208, 318; wanderers in Italy, 425
    Rome: Davy’s old age in, 432
    Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: on Noble Savage, 3-4; on property and ownership, 16n; writes on South Seas, 46n
    Rowlandson, Thomas, 291
    Royal Astronomical Society: founded, xix, 393, 407; awards Gold Medal to Caroline Herschel, 410-11
    Royal College of Surgeons, London, 308-9, 317, 336
    Royal Geographical Society: merges with Africa Association, 58, 212
    Royal Institution: foundation, xix, 199, 285; Humphry Davy at, 241n, 272, 277, 285, 291, 294; finances improve, 291; Coleridge lectures on ‘Poetry and the Imagination’ at, 295, 299-300, 467; deterioration in conditions, 348; Faraday appointed to, 348-9, 358; Davy appointed Vice-President, 359; service to British industry, 362; and Davy’s development of miners’ safety lamp, 370, 372-3; Faraday appointed Director, 405; Faraday’s electromagnetic researches at, 453; Christmas Lectures for Children, 454; atomic clock, 467-8; author lectures on Coleridge at, 467; Proceedings, 467n
    Royal Navy: commissions Davy to investigate corrosion of ships’copper hulls, 411-12, 414
    Royal Society: supports Endeavour voyage, 9-10, 190; honours Banks and Solander, 43; Banks elected President, 54-5; moves to Somerset House, 55; and Herschel’s discovery of Uranus, 98-100; Herschel elected to membership and awarded Copley Medal, 102-3, 105; members sceptical of Herschel’s accomplishments, 108; and early ballooning, 133, 134, 147, 155; elects Jeffries to Fellowship, 152-3; adopts Caroline Herschel’s Star Catalogue, 194; and scientific observation, 249; Beddoes applies to for financial support, 251-2; awards Copley Medal to Davy, 295; Davy delivers Bakerian Lectures, 295-9, 359; medical scientists in, 306-7; Davy reports to on safety-lamp investigation, 363-5; Davy’s prototype safety lamp presented to, 368; awards Rumford Medal to Davy, 369; Banks attempts to maintain pre-eminence and unity, 393-7; composition, 394; Davy succeeds Banks as President, 397-9; Davy’s unpopularity at, 412-13; Davy resigns presidency, 419; Davy sends late papers to, 431-2; Davy endows Medal, 434; role, 435; John Herschel’s presidential candidacy (1829), 436; elects Duke of Sussex President, 437; Babbage attacks, 438-9; fails to promote scientific endeavour, 438-9; Faraday delivers Bakerian Lectures, 453; John Herschel elected President, 465; Philosophical Transactions, 61, 100, 121-2, 152, 173, 198, 274, 286, 307, 413
    Royal Zoological Society, 404
    Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, Count: visits Herschel, 199; demonstrates heating effect of friction, 250; interviews Davy, 277; and founding of Royal Institution, 285; attends Davy’s Royal Institution lecture, 286; and finances of Royal Institution, 291; in Gillray cartoon, 292; second marriage (to Marie-Anne Lavoisier), 384
    Rumford, Countess (formerly Lavoisier) see Lavoisier, Marie-Anne
    Rylands, Miss (of Bristol), 265
    Sacks, Oliver: Uncle Tungsten, 298n
    Sadler, James, 144-5, 149, 156-8
    Sadler, Windham, 158
    Sage, Laetitia: makes first female balloon ascent, 141-3
    Saint-Fond, Faujas de, 132, 196
    Saint-Hilaire, Madame de, 129
    Sandemanians, 352
    Sandwich, John Montagu, 4th Earl of, 9, 43, 47, 50, 53
    Sansanding, West Africa, 224, 226-7, 231
    Satterley, John, 40
    Saussure, Horace de,

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