The Age of Wonder
in inventing, 371-5
    Mitchill, Dr Samuel, 259
    Molineux, Robert, 40
    Möll, Gerard, 440
    Monkhouse, Jonathan: as surgeon on Endeavour, 4, 27, 33; quarrel with Banks, 29; death, 40
    Montgolfier, Étienne, 126-7
    Montgolfier, Joseph, xviii, 126-9, 131, 144, 159
    Monthly Review, 208
    moon: William Herschel’s studies of and theories on, 61-3, 87, 92-5, 199; John Herschel’s supposed discovery of life on, 464-5
    Moore, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 177-8
    Moorehead, Alan: The Fatal Impact, 18n, 59n
    Moors: ill-treat Mungo Park, 216, 218
    Morning Chronicle, 372
    Morning Herald, 136
    Morning Post, 139, 267
    Morton, William Thomas, 284
    Mount Wilson telescope, California, 84n
    Murray, John (publisher), 307
    Murray’s Family Library, 455, 458
    Nancy (French refugee), 241-2, 250, 279
    Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French: takes Balloon Corps to Egypt, 156; challenges Laplace’s atheism, 198; gives audience to Herschel, 200-1; crowned Emperor, 201; war with Britain, 212, 347; abandons plan to invade England, 297; Davy avoids in France, 353; escapes from Elba, 358
    Napoleonic Wars: end (1815), 382, 386
    National Coal Mining Museum, near Wakefield, 362n
    Natural History Museum, South Kensington, 404n
    Nature: discovery of, xviii; tendency to move to higher state, 315; as female beset by male science, 436n
    Naturphilosophie, 315, 322, 329, 357, 426, 442, 443n
    nebulae: Herschel’s views on, 88, 123, 192-3, 196-8, 205, 208-9; Herschels catalogue, 176
    Nelson, Admiral Horatio, Viscount: telescope at Copenhagen, 77; defeats French at Aboukir Bay (1799), 156, 253; killed at Trafalgar, 295
    Nerval, Gérard de: Voyage en Orient, 227
    New Monthly Magazine, 409
    New York Sun, 464
    New Zealand: exploration, 10, 38
    Newcastle Chronicle, 371
    Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society, 371, 375
    Newgate Prison: Davy oversees ventilation scheme, 299, 363
    Newman, John, 363
    Newton, Sir Isaac: Wordsworth on, xvii, 320, 469n; and falling apple story, xvii-xviii, 456; Herschel brothers argue over, 67; invents reflector telescope, 78; genius, 94n; celestial mechanics, 106; optical experiments, 200, 247, 319; on measuring speed of light, 210; Lavoisier admires, 249; in Haydon painting, 319; knighthood, 342; in Byron’s Don Juan, 385; John Herschel corrects on polarised light, 390; statue at new British Library, 404n; Davy on, 426; Coleridge on, 429 & n; Carlyle on, 436; Brewster writes biography, 454-6; in Mary Somerville’s On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences, 458
    Nicholson, William: experiments, 245, 274; Dictionary of Chemistry, 244
    Nicholson’s Journal, 245, 260, 382
    Niger, river: exploration, 212, 214, 216-17, 222, 224-6, 229, 231, 381
    Niger, HMS, 9
    Nîmes, 354 & n
    nitrous oxide (’laughing gas’): Davy’s experiments with, 258-67, 269-70, 315n, 348; as anaesthetic, 262, 282-4; experiments satirised, 273; Davy discounts for therapeutic purposes, 281
    North-West Passage, 395
    Northcote, James, 267
    Northumberland, Hugh Percy, 2nd Duke of, 351
    Novalis (Baron Frederick Leopold von Hardenberg), 315, 328
    Nuna (Tahitian woman), 21-2
    Oamo (Tahitian), 28
    Obadee (Tahitian), 23
    Oborea, Tahitian queen, 19, 23-4, 28-9, 35
    O’Brian, Patrick: Joseph Banks: A Life, 17n
    Oersted, Hans Christian, 439, 444
    Oliver, Dr William, 241
    Omai (Tahitian), 18n, 49-52, 54
    Omai, or a Trip Round the World (pantomime), 54
    Ordnance Survey (British): created, 160
    Otheothea (Tahitian girl), 19, 23, 26, 28-9, 35
    Oxford: balloon ascents from, 144-5, 156
    oxygen: in respiration, 245-6; Lavoisier on, 254-5; Davy on, 255
    pain: and consciousness and anaesthesia, 282-4, 305; Davy speculates on fishes’ experience of, 417-18
    Paine, Thomas, 16n
    Paley, William: Natural Theology, 450, 454
    Palmer, John, 89
    Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount, 173
    Pantisocracy, 252
    Paolozzi, Sir Eduardo, 404n
    Papendiek, Charlotte, 182, 184
    papyri: Davy investigates, 376, 378
    Paracelsus, 248
    parallax, 90 & n
    Paris: Herschel visits, 200-1; Davy in,

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