Tequila Sunrises over Georgia (a novella)
    This is always the part
where a few tears fall, but it goes to show the honesty of my
feelings and now I will try to put those into words. These pages
have been typed during a lot of little spare moments between my
real full time job and all the other busyness within my life. Like
a lot of other authors, I don’t have lengthy periods of time where
I can just sit and write. It’s a little here and a little there and
a lot of hope that my words somehow make sense, and that I can
weave a story to help others escape their daily lives, just like I
do when I read other author’s books.
    Without the help of a
bunch of people, I wouldn’t be able to do this writing thing that I
love so much. I’m so humbled and grateful to each and every one of
you for taking a chance on me and my stories. Thank you, from the
bottom of my heart. Your support is one of the things that helps
make my dreams into a reality.
    Special thanks go out
    Scott & Sean - You guys put up with me hiding away trying to
squeeze a few words in. You keep the house clean, laundry done and
help me immensely just so I can keep chasing this dream. Your
unconditional love is the best. I love you so much!
    Janie T. – My
editor extraordinaire, you saved me! This novel would not have
happened if it wasn’t for you. You are an awesome friend. Thanks
for having my back. Thank you for your great editing skills. Thank
you for helping me create the best story I’m able to write. I
promise, next time I will follow the schedule! Love you
    Nicole Johnson and Maggie
Lugo – Thank you for agreeing to beta read this story at the
last minute. I needed some new eyes on it and I loved your feedback
and suggestions! It means so much to me that you took the time to
help me, I will never forget it!
    Elexis D. – Thanks for beta reading, all your input, for sharing my books with
all the blogs posting teasers and links. I’m so touched that you
love my work so much. Your help and ideas are always welcomed and
appreciated! Most of all, thank you for listening all those times I
just needed to vent and not necessarily about the book. I love and
care for you and your family as if I’ve known you for years!
    Paige B. – My
amazing PA and friend. One of the best decisions I’ve made was to
bring you into the fold. Your help has been invaluable. It’s been a
wild and crazy ride, but we’ve barely just begun. Thank you for
creating all the forms, the teasers, for sharing my books with
blogs and for being available to help me anytime I needed you. You
are awesome and I’m grateful to have you in my life!
    My work family – Nick, Amy M., Amy R., Stephany, Lindsay, Cleo, Henry,
Norma – Thank you for listening to my crazy ideas, showing interest
on my progress, telling people about my books and supporting me
during this wild ride. It really means a lot… You guys rock!
    The Greathouse Girls – Thank you for being supportive and fabulous! I
hope to hug you all at events soon!
    To all Bloggers – OMG! Thank you! You guys are a vital part of the Indie
Book Community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the
endless amount of support and enthusiasm you have shown for my
stories. Thank you for taking the time to read and review my books
- you guys are amazing! I hope I get to meet each and every one of
you during some of the author events I will be attending. So,
PLEASE, drop by my table and I promise I won’t squeeze you too
    Readers!!!! – You guys make my life a happier place. Even though I don’t write on
a full time basis, (oh, but I want to!) it’s because of all of you
that I am able to chase my writing dreams and create these
characters for your enjoyment. You make it possible and I’m
delighted and humbled. Thanks to you, I can make my dreams come
true. I’m so excited about the future and all the stories floating
through my mind… I hope you are too, because I cannot wait to share

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