excited voice cutting through his thoughts as she whipped back to him. “Of course, yios . There’s only one place that will work. One place where you wouldn’t let this pretty thing out of your sight. I have no doubt you’ll keep her alive, though it may become a challenge. But at least all those ingrained heroics of yours will finally be of use to me.”
    He tensed as she reached out and ran her cold, vile hand over his jaw again. “You, my son, are finally going to live up to your destiny. You are going to give me the ultimate gift. An heir. A legitimate heir, with links to both the Horae and the throne of Argolea. And thanks to Hera, you’ll do so whether you want to or not.”
    Hera. Atalanta was talking about the soul mate curse. Hera’s spiteful gift to Heracles and all the Argonauts—one soul mate. Only it wasn’t the blessing it should be. It was the cruelest curse imaginable. The one female in the world who was the worst possible match for that Argonaut.
    He was Atalanta’s son. The spawn of true evil and the enemy to those of his world. He’d suspected Isadora was his curse, had spent two hundred years avoiding her so Atalanta could never use him for her own gain. And now, thanks to one wrong decision, everything he’d done up until this point to protect Isadora, to protect their world, was for shit.
    “Sleep now, yios , you’ll need your rest.” Atalanta passed her hand in front of his face. His vision dimmed from the outside in, even though he fought it.
    As the image of Isadora asleep on the table faded and the world drifted to black, he knew there was no escaping what was to come. His only hope was that somehow—in some way—he’d find the strength he needed to resist the only female he’d ever truly wanted.

Chapter 6

    Demetrius shielded the glare of the sun with his hand and looked out across the barren beach. Water lapped gently at the golden sand and a light wind rustled the trees at his back. Sweat slid down his spine as he took in the miles of sand, the cliffs to his left and right that turned to sheltered forests beyond, and the water…so much damn water.
    Atalanta had dumped them on an island. Of this he was sure. Where, he didn’t know. The trees, the temperature, the sand though…it was all vaguely familiar. Like a postcard straight out of the Mediterranean. A tingle low in his belly told him there was only one island in the area she would send them to where he’d be forced to keep Isadora close, but he refused to believe his suspicions. For all of Atalanta’s scheming, the bitch needed Isadora to live. She wouldn’t be so careless as to leave them alone in hell.
    He looked down where Isadora was still out cold on the sand. He’d awakened next to her minutes before and, after checking to make sure she was still breathing, had spent the last five minutes taking stock of their surroundings. Knowing there was no imminent threat, he decided he needed to get Isadora out of the sun; to check her leg, which he feared had been broken in that daemon fight; and to figure out what the hell they were going to do next.
    He crouched, lifted her into his arms. Her head lolled like a rag doll’s, but her breaths were steady and deep. He ignored the silky smooth feel of her skin against his, focused on the way his boots sank into the deep sand, making it hard to move. After carefully laying Isadora in the shade of a palm tree, he dropped down and unlaced his boots, then tossed them behind him.
    Sweat beaded his forehead. His toes sank into warm sand as he found a downed branch, checked its strength. Bringing it back to where Isadora lay, he snapped the ends until it was roughly the length of her shin. Then he sank onto his knees next to her and took a deep breath.
    Years of disuse left his powers rusty. He didn’t even know if he could conjure a healing spell, let alone if it would work, but he had to do something. Wiping his sweaty hands on his thighs, he glanced once at Isadora’s face

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