look at all
certain about it, but he let it go.
    Farms were more numerous the closer they got
to Neveel. Peasants began to appear, heading to and from the city,
many with carts. Their clothes were simple, some well made, others
shoddy and all dirty from the road to a greater or lesser degree.
Many stood to the side of the road to let the companions pass. A
few even ran and hid. It was alarming to Liselle to see such a
reaction and she wondered how anyone could treat them so bad as to
make them run at the very sight of adventurers. Occasionally,
children hid behind their parents while looking at the adventurers
in awe.
    The party arrived at Neveel late in the
night. It was an unwalled city with buildings made mostly of wood.
Many of the businesses and inns had stone or brick for the first
floor and wood if there was a second floor. Lights shone through
heavy rain as the companions walked along the road leading up to
the city. Most of the children and working peasants were inside,
leaving only revelers and people out for a last drink to dash from
cover to cover in order to reach their destinations.
    Muffled shouts and noises Liselle didn’t
recognize mixed with the steady trickle of rain hitting buildings
and puddles. A few wet dogs dodged people, lending their smell to
mud and soaked wood. Liselle and Anilyia worked hard not to get
their feet stuck, jealous of how each of the boys seemed to have a
technique to avoid sinking with each step.
    A stone guardhouse was to the right of the
road with a small squad of four soldiers wearing blue-dyed leather
armor standing underneath curved wooden canopies. Upon seeing the
party approach, they put their hands on sword hilts. The leader of
the squad stepped forward into the rain with his hand up. He had
brown hair that was beginning to turn grey and he walked with a
mild limp. Liselle figured he was probably a sergeant.
    Tathan had told her the basics of city
guards and armies. Privates were the guys who did all the work and
dying. Sergeants and corporals yelled at the privates to get them
to work and die, low-level officers like majors and captains told
the troops how wonderful it was to work and die, high ranking
officers like generals and colonels came up with plans that got
everyone killed, and nobody liked lieutenants because they were
useless. It seemed ridiculous to Liselle, although she suspected
Tathan was probably biased considering he liked to steal
    “Hello there, adventurers. I’m Sergeant
Hyvan. What’s your business in Neveel?” The sergeant addressed Sir
Danth, assuming he was the leader of the group.
    The knight went with it instead of waiting
for Tathan who had taken to walking in the back with Anilyia.
“Greetings to you, Sergeant Hyvan. I am Sir Danth Wazmordin of the
Black Order of the Knights of Morhain.” His voice boomed through
the rain. The soldiers stood a little straighter in surprise and a
few nearby revelers stopped in their tracks to see who was talking.
“It is our intention to stay at one of your inns for the next few
nights. After that, we will merrily be about our way.” He leaned
forward conspiratorially. “It is best to do things merrily you
    “Uh-huh.” The sergeant stared at him, not
knowing what else to say. The rest of the guards looked nervous
while the revelers decided it would be best to get about reveling
before things got out of hand. Sergeant Hyvan cleared his throat
and restored his composure. “I’ve never heard of you, but let me
make it clear that there is to be no trouble. The Kethril army
guards Neveel well. We don’t fool around when it comes to
adventurers causing trouble. Military wizards support the troops
and can handle anything. Is that clear?”
    “That is very clear, my good sergeant,” Sir
Danth said. “We will cause no trouble . . . probably.”
    The sergeant set his jaw in irritation and
ran fingers through his hair. Sir Danth didn’t say anything else.
Liselle thought adding the

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