Tantric Sex for Men: Making Love a Meditation
pleasant vibrations and pulsate throughout our entire bodies for the whole day. It is just gorgeous.
We started this a few months ago, and since then have hardly missed a day of making love. It has become so natural and uncomplicated that we actually long for it if we have to miss one day. Our entire relationship has reached another level because we can behave so freely and openly, which I never before thought possible.
Sometimes we look back and ask ourselves what triggered our starting to insist on making love every day. We don’t know, really, it just clicked and we knew we wanted to try it. During our second course with you we heard from a couple resolutely doing a fifteen-minute tantric get together every morning who seemed to be happy and united, so maybe this was the final kick for us to start.
We are very thankful for having met you and having been able to learn this method of making love from you. In my special situation with a medical condition, I often wonder what I would have done after conventional sex was no longer possible for me. I don’t even want to imagine.

    Viagra Is No Longer Necessary
Since puberty, erection has been of great importance for me. The first time I had sex with a woman it happened in a very small compact car, and I had no idea where to put my long legs. Due to the excitement, I did not find my way into her vagina and had a premature ejaculation. Ever since, ejaculation and penetration were stressful for me. Each time I met a new woman, I immediately had a fear of failure and thus, difficulty with the erection. It wasn’t until my first longer partnership that this theme began to lose its importance.
My penultimate partnership was very much affected by wild sex and strong emotions. It was sex that glued us together and helped us to come together again and again, but in the end, even sex did not work any more. This resulted in new emotions, mutual hurt, and finally, in separation. Since I was nearing the end of my fifties at that time I presumed that sex was over for me, until I found out about the remedy for erections: Cialis (Viagra). I was very relieved to be able to have sexual contact with new women, and realized that I retained my capacity for erection even beyond the action time of the remedy. This also showed me the psychological aspect of the erection deficit. When I met my new wife, we had a weekend relationship for the first two years. I got used to taking Cialis each time before we met, because it gave me a sense of security. When we took a two-week vacation, one pill at the beginning of the holiday was enough.
After we read your book, The Heart of Tantric Sex, my wife didn’t want me to take the remedy any more, so I promised to take it only after having talked to her. At home, where we were already comfortable with the relaxed way of lovemaking, I found taking it less and less necessary.
Before the lovemaking retreat we had not seen each other for three weeks. During the first three days of the seminar, I again experienced some pressure with the issues, and had trouble keeping my sense of humor about erection and penetration. I feared that since I was sixty-three years old, my virility was definitely over, so I told her that I would like to take Viagra again. When she declined my request, we had a talk with the two of you and somehow I relaxed after having talked about it so openly. The loving support of my partner, and the length of time that we took for lovemaking, has resulted ever since in much heartfelt and relaxed sex. I learned that even with a weak erection at the beginning, lovemaking lasted longer, and was heartfelt and deep. Our love grew and I was able to relax more and more deeply. Since then our love and our sexuality have reached a new dimension. For me it has been a gift. Being able to let go of goal-oriented male sexuality as my erection was getting weaker has caused our love to grow. Thank you both for this wonderful experience.

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