Take My Hand

Take My Hand by Nicola Haken

Book: Take My Hand by Nicola Haken Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicola Haken
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didn’t mention Dexter
– he’d assume things that were never going to happen just like Rachel.
Then he told me about this big deal with a car dealership he’d just landed for
his boss and I told him how proud I was of him. He’s going to have his own business
one day I just know it.
    “So as a reward he’s giving me a week off. There’s even talk of a
promotion,” Chris continued. “So I thought seeing as I’ve nothing better to do
I might go visit my baby sister if she’ll have me?” I literally jumped off the bed.
    “Of course I will!” It’s amazing how much you can miss someone after
just a few weeks. I don’t think I realised just how much until he said that.
“When are you coming?”
    “It’ll be after the weekend. Probably Monday if that’s okay with you.”
    “Sure it is! Rachel will be pleased too.” Oh God. I was never going to
hear the end of how gorgeous he was. How strong he was. How lickable he was…
    “Look I’ve got to run. But I’ll call over the weekend and let you know
when I’m coming okay?”
    “Okay. Can’t wait.”
    “Take care, Emmie.”
    “You too, big bro.”
    I ran out to tell Rachel the good news the second I hung up the phone.
    “Remind me to nip out for some extra-absorbent panty-liners before he
gets here.”
    “Eww, Rach. Just… Eww.” And with that note I decided a hot shower and an
early night were in order. “You need help picking all this crap up before I
head to bed?”
    “Errm, this ‘crap’,” she air-quoted, “is a masterpiece in the making.
And no thanks I’m not done with it yet.”
    “Right well I’ll see you in the morning then.”
    “Sure will, Ho. Hope you have sexy dreams about The American.” Rolling
my eyes for the fifty-billionth time at her, I turned for the bathroom.
    “G’night, Rach.”

Chapter Eleven


    I think it’s
pretty safe to say I like the hell outta Emily. I don’t think anyone has ever
made me smile so much my whole life as that girl did today. And I swear,
watching her on all fours on my floor working up a sweat while she scraped and
scrubbed, all I could think about was how much I wish it were me making her
glisten like that.
was a bad thing of course, and I would be monumentally pissed at myself for
feeling this way if I didn’t know that there was a perfectly rational reason
for it. I’ve not enjoyed a decent fuck in over three weeks – a quick in,
out and shake it all about in the men’s room at work just doesn’t cut it. So I
knew the only reason I’d had a near permanent hard on looking at Emily today
was because I was frustrated, and once I sorted that out tonight, I’d be able
to concentrate on us just being friends.
wasn’t on the roster at work for tonight but I said I’d meet Jared there to
hand him his key back. I planned to stay for a drink or two and then head on to
a nearby club or bar and check out the talent.
    I took
a cab to The Blue Apple   - it was
easier than trying to find somewhere to park the bike - and settled myself down
on wrong side of the bar. Fuck knows why Mick didn’t sign me up for tonight
because as usual for a Wednesday the place was packed and Jared was rushed off
his feet. So much so I ended up getting impatient waiting for my drink and
ended up jumping across the bar and fetching my own.
    I stuck
out waiting for Jared to come join me for twenty minutes or so but when the
crowd picked up even further I saw it as my cue to leave before I got roped
into helping. Yeah, I know that was pretty shitty of me but I had something
much higher on my list of priorities tonight – getting laid before my
balls exploded.
heading into the back room and tucking the key into the pocket of Jared’s
jacket I headed out the back door and walked to the nearest bar. Dynamite was
even busier than the pub and I had to dodge my way through a mass of
intoxicated assholes to get to the bar. When I’d ordered my ginger ale I looked
for a spot

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