Sweet Resolve (The Lucky #2)

Sweet Resolve (The Lucky #2) by Jill Sanders

Book: Sweet Resolve (The Lucky #2) by Jill Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Sanders
into his hair, holding him to her mouth a moment longer as a moan of pleasure escaped her.
    “This is what I’ve craved all day.” His fingers dug into her hips as he moved closer, pinning her against her countertop.
    She could feel his legs move in between hers and gladly spread her feet so he could get closer. Then, he moved his hands until he was lifting her to the edge of the counter. Her legs wrapped around his narrow hips, his mouth never leaving hers as his tongue darted in to mix with her own. She threw her head back as his lips trailed down her neck, lapping at every nerve along the way. She couldn’t stop her body from wanting, from moving against his.
    “Tell me to leave.” He moaned against her skin, his hands brushing the sides of her breasts, sending a shiver up her spine.
    She was beyond control and could only shake her head slightly as she ran her fingers over his arms, his chest. Why would she tell him that? What she wanted was for him to carry her into her bedroom and . . .
    Just then, her doorbell sounded off in three quick bursts. Kristen. Damn!
    Logan glanced up at her, his sandy eyebrows shooting up in question.
    “Anyone you can get rid of in under a minute?”
    She leaned her head back against the cabinet. “Nope.”
    He groaned, then ran his mouth over hers one more time. “Okay, give me a minute.” He took a couple of deep breaths and she stifled a giggle. She needed a few minutes herself.
    When she opened her door, Kristen was hidden behind a pile of magazines. “I need your help!” She pushed past Amy but stopped dead in the middle of her living room when she saw Logan leaning against her bar area.
    “Oh!” She glanced between them and a slow smile crossed her lips. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
    “You are,” Logan said, under his breath.
    “No!” Amy said quickly and a little more loudly than she should have.
    Logan crossed his arms over his chest. Amy couldn’t stop her eyes from roaming over the muscles she’d been running her hands over a moment ago.
    “I’ll just—” Kristen started.
    “No!” Amy broke in. “We had plans.” She reached over and took some of the magazines from her friend. She glanced toward Logan, who just smiled back at her. “I promised Kristen I’d look through these in preparation for our bridal shop appointments next weekend.”
    Daisy came into the room and Kristen gasped. “You have a dog!” She quickly set the rest of the magazines in a messy pile on Amy’s coffee table, then rushed over and picked up Daisy.
    “Well, Logan has a dog. I’m watching her and her puppies until—”
    “Puppies?” Kristen broke in, then rushed with Daisy into the spare room. Logan walked up behind Amy and placed his hands on her hips as they listened to Kristen ooh and aah over the dogs.
    He turned her using his hands on her hips. “I’d better let you two have some time.” He stepped closer to her and she felt her body instantly respond. “I’ll see you in the morning.” He leaned down and kissed her until she felt her toes start to curl.
    “Later.” She knew she’d have a lot of explaining to do with Kristen after he left.
    No sooner had the front door closed, than Kristen was by her side, hands at her hips, her head tilted questioningly. “Spill!”
    Amy thought she saw a slight smile on her friend’s lips. Closing her eyes, she tried to calm her body down from the onslaught that was Logan Miller.

    All next week Logan found it hard to concentrate every time she was within his sight. He took to using his uncle’s office, since he had a full schedule that week and was hardly there.
    Amy kept getting more lovely every time he’d seen her. Monday, she’d worn a sexy cream-colored dress, which had hugged every curve. The deep V ran off her shoulders, dipping low over those breasts he’d gotten his hands on just the day before. She’d worn heels, making her the same height as him. He found the ensemble so damn

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