Judgement Day
“how could I wish my
parents would die?”
    It began to
dawn on me, “every personal problem, every insecurity, every
emotional problem I had, was given to me by my mother.” My mind was
filled with anger towards her. “She tried to destroy me from birth,
and she thinks she’s won, she thinks I’m going to die soon, she
thinks it’s all over for me. Little does she know that she
underestimated me, little does she know that I’m the Messiah, and
I’m about to take over this world.” I thought about people who got
sick, how I was sick as a baby, I thought about people who died. I
thought about the neighbour Tom, Ken’s best mate who my brother was
named after, and how mum used to make homebrew for Ken and Tom,
“she must have put poison into the homebrew, Ken was lucky.” My
cousin Chris lived with us for a while after his parents moved to
Perth, his girlfriend Katie got cancer, I believed that mum would
have access to low level radiation sources at work. I thought she
had poisoned them, “she poisons people slowly, people just get sick
and no one is any the wiser. Our family were blessed with strong
genes, with a strong immune system, and because she poisons us so
slowly she never succeeded with us. It was the outsiders who died,
we were lucky! She’s a fucking witch, my father always told me she
was a witch! It was she who poisoned my father and made him crazy,
she poisoned me and made me crazy too!” I was furious, “I see you,
you are the Blair Witch, you are the Devil, but you think it’s the
other way around! You think I’m the spawn of Satan, my father’s
son! You blame me for ruining your life by being born, but I am the
Son of God! I am the King of Heaven and Earth, and you have been
trying to kill me from birth! You will pay for this!”
    The “truth”
about my mother was horrible, it was the most painful of my
revelations, but The Stage told me it was true. I burned everything
she gave me on a fire, the fumes were so horrible they made me gag
and choke, “the fumes are sickening just like her,” I told myself.
“That horrible, twisted witch, with her poisons and potions!”
    Suddenly my
Judgement Day script had a new component, it started with a
satellite smashing into the Whitehouse, then the leaders of the
world dying in a series of freak accidents, then when the media
came to talk to my mother she would race out of the house in a rage
and spontaneously combust, then finally there would be the most incredible meteor shower
the world has ever seen ! Judgement Day was coming soon, I
knew it, I couldn’t survive much longer, I was getting worse.
    I became
crazier and crazier, talking to myself more and more, sleeping less
and less, and I began writing things on my army pants. I wrote
things like “Rogue Deities Rule” (after imagining the Burning Bush
saying “we believe we have a rogue Australian deity on our
hands.”), “Happy Judgement Day,” but my favourite was my drawing of
a peace sign with a huge Rambo knife through it.
    I went and
stayed in the caravan at my grandparent’s place (on my father’s
side), quite a few times too. I offered my grandfather George some
money for letting me stay, he told me “what are family for?” I wish
my family was like that. Here were these people that I hadn’t seen
my whole life who were nicer to me than the people who raised me. I
went camping one night with my father, he was talking a lot about
“shadow robot doctors.” He told me that once he took a heap of his
tablets and the shadow robot doctors brought him back to life. I
began to think about the tree of life, and living forever. I
decided that if I was going to devastate the earth, I would want to
flee the scene. I decided that I would create some aliens to pick
me up and take Britney Spears and myself away at the end of the
world, at least until the dust settles. I realised that alien
doctors would have the technology to make me live forever. At that
moment, I saw what looked like

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