Surviving This Life

Surviving This Life by Salice Rodgers, N. Nieto

Book: Surviving This Life by Salice Rodgers, N. Nieto Read Free Book Online
Authors: Salice Rodgers, N. Nieto
Tags: Zombies
at the end of the driveway in two hours,” Cade says. As I am going to respond I hear Willow’s sweet voice ring through over the speaker, “Be safe Liv. I love you.”
    “I love you too Wil and we will all meet back at the driveway in two hours. Over and out.” I put the mic back in its holder.
    The roads are fairly clear except the occasional abandoned car and a flesh eater here and there. I pulled over and let Tony drive so I could be on smash duty with every flesh eater we cross. I am not leaving one alive if I can help it. We drive about three miles down the road before we come to a one stop light town. As we top the hill to head into the heart of the town my eyes scan the horizon and I am floored by what I see, flesh eaters fill up the town center.
    “How in the hell are there so many flesh eaters in such a small ass town?” I say to no one in particular.
    Tony shakes his head, “I don’t know but there is no way in hell I am driving down in that!”
    “Right. I mean she couldn’t have come this far anyways on foot. Let’s just turn around and check some of the houses we passed along the way,” I say looking over at Tony.
    Just as he is turning around we hear a bloodcurdling scream.
    I look in the direction of the scream and see pregnant ass Melody running as fast as her basketball belly will allow her to. She is running toward us from the heart of the town. A huge herd of flesh eaters are chasing her and several reach out to grab her as she runs past them.
    “Oh my God Tony, go get her!” Becky yells.
    “I...I,” Tony stammers and I can see the fear in his eyes.
    “Tony she is pregnant! We can’t just leave her there to get eaten alive!” Becky snaps.
    “Well you go get her then! I am not putting our lives in danger to save a runaway girl I don’t even know!” he barks.
    “Both of you shut the fuck up! We WILL go get her and none of us will die today!” I snap tired of their pointless arguing.
    “Liv I will not put you in danger to save a girl we barely know.” Tony looks over at me with pleading eyes begging me to stay with him, to stay safe. Before those eyes would have gotten him anything he wanted, but not today. I am not some heartless bitch. Yeah I may come off that way sometimes, but I’m not.
    “Tony she is pregnant for Christ’s sake! As much as I hate to, I agree with Barbie back there, we have to save her. And before you protest further let me tell you, I will do it with or without you.”
    He huffs and pulls a 9mm out of the waistband of his jeans. “Becky grab one of those golf clubs back there.
    I look at him with wide eyes. Tony doesn’t like guns. “Where in the hell did you get that?!” I blurt out.
    “Cade gave it to me before we left the house,” he says it like it’s no big deal. I know him and I know he hates guns, so for him to have one is a big deal.
    “Umm...Why do you get that and I get a damned golf club?” Becky asked clearly annoyed.
    I turn and face her with a smart ass look on my face, “Could you even use it if you had it?” I sneer.
    “For your information Daddy took me to the shooting range every weekend. So yes smartass, I could use it!” she counters.
    I am speechless. Who knew Barbie could shoot?
    “Well Tony looks like G.I Jane gets the gun and you get the club.” I turn back around in my seat and chuckle. This bitch may be useful after all.
    Tony reluctantly hands over his gun in exchange for the golf club. Becky smiles and cocks the gun.
    “You worry about driving and Liv and I will worry about the flesh eaters in our path. Just get us to Melody, and fast!” Becky calls off orders like she has been doing it the whole time.
    I don’t know where that scared, hanging all over my man, girl went but I am glad she is gone. Maybe being back in her hometown has given her some balls.
    “You heard the lady. Let’s get going!” I giggle.

Chapter Nine
    “So how long have you and Melody

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