No More Mr. Nice Guy

No More Mr. Nice Guy by Carl Weber

Book: No More Mr. Nice Guy by Carl Weber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carl Weber
check on MJ,” I said, stomping away to get a moment’s peace from her badgering me. At that moment, everyone could just go to hell as far as I was concerned. There was no way I was about to let my mother, Bruce, or even Majestic get in the way of my relationship—or whatever this thing was with Niles. All I knew was it was something that I wanted.

    With Majestic locked up for the next six months, it was my responsibility to handle not only my side of our business, but his side too, which included knowing exactly what kind of numbers our various businesses were doing, who was shorting us, and who needed to be dealt with immediately, permanently, and sometimes both. There were parts of his job that I liked better than others. My least favorite was dealing with all his hormonal-ass women. The only one I didn’t mind so much was his baby mama, Keisha. Out of all his bitches, she always kept it real.
    â€œHey, Bruce.” Keisha’s moms answered the door wearing a halter top and booty shorts. Her big-ass nipples were standing at attention, ’cause the chick wasn’t wearing no bra and didn’t seem to care.
    â€œWhat’s up, Ms. Smalls?” I looked down at her through my mirrored sunglasses, sucking on a toothpick. “Keisha home?”
    â€œWhy you keep calling me Ms. Smalls? I told you before my name is Debra.” She leaned closer to me and ran her hand over my arm suggestively.
    â€œI’m just tryin’ to show you that respect as Keisha’s mom, that’s all.”
    â€œFuck that. I had Keisha when I was young. I don’t want you to respect me as her mother. I want you to respect me as a woman.” She spun around in those short shorts, displaying her perfect, juicy, heart-shaped ass.
    â€œLike what you see?” she asked flirtatiously.
    I gave her a quick once-over, having to admit to myself that I did like what I saw. She was a thicker version of her daughter, and I liked them thick. Too bad she was Keisha’s moms, otherwise I might have stopped by to tighten her phat ass up.
    â€œNo doubt. I like what you working with.”
    â€œThen why don’t you take me out so I can show you exactly what I’m workin’ with? That is, unless you’re not into grown-ass women,” she said, challenging me.
    Her brazenness made me laugh. “Nah, I like my meat seasoned, ’cause I’m not into giving lessons. My women have to know what they doing.”
    â€œI heard that!” She laughed and stepped out of the way to let me enter.
    Keisha appeared at the end of the hallway with MJ on her hip. “Ma, what are you doing?” she snapped.
    â€œI was trying to do this handsome man before you interrupted me,” Debra answered a little too sweetly, and I could see Keisha roll her eyes like she was embarrassed by her mother’s behavior. If you ask me, she should have been proud that her mother could still work it.
    Keisha stomped up to us and passed MJ to her mother, essentially cock-blocking anything that might be going on between us. “Ma, could you put him down for a nap? He’s tired but fighting it.” It was clear from her tone that she wasn’t asking Debra to do it; she was telling her.
    â€œHey, little man.” I rubbed MJ’s head and then pretended to box with my godson, who giggled at the play.
    Reluctantly Debra took her grandson to his bedroom, but as she switched her ass down the hall, she looked back over her shoulder and locked her eyes on me. Yeah, I was definitely going to have to practice some restraint.
    Keisha busted me, slapping my arm. “Stop looking at her like that. That’s my mother. It’s weird.”
    I fixed her with my own stare. “Well, your mother better stop playing with me, ’cause I’ma fuck the shit outta her ass one of these days. And you seen what happens after that.”
    Of course she jumped to her mother’s defense. “My

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