Surviving This Life

Surviving This Life by Salice Rodgers, N. Nieto Page B

Book: Surviving This Life by Salice Rodgers, N. Nieto Read Free Book Online
Authors: Salice Rodgers, N. Nieto
Tags: Zombies
sticking out from behind the seat.
    I walk off toward the front of the house without a second glance at Cade and his smart ass attitude. Who in the hell does he think he is? What happened to me was none of his damned business and yet here he is acting like he knows me and cares for me. We just met!
    As I make my way up the steps I feel a strong hand on my shoulder. I grip my bat and turn around and swing with all my might just like Liv taught me. Cade reacts fast and puts his hand up and grabs the end of the bat just as it was about to knock him in the head.
    “Jesus Cade!” I yell as I yank my bat out of his hand. “I could have hit you! Why would you sneak up on me like that?”
    “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you. I was just going to tell you that Grant is going in through the back and I am staying here to keep watch. Yell if you need anything and I will be right there.”
    “Okay, but as you can see I am fast on my feet so I should be fine.” I am surprised at the amount of attitude in my voice.
    “I can see Liv taught you well,” he smirks and shakes his reddened hand, “That will be stinging for a while.”
    Ugh why does he have to be so sexy? “Sorry about that,” I say and look down in embarrassment.
    “Don’t be sorry. You’re right, I could have been one of them things grabbing you. Your reaction was perfect. I am the one who is sorry. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that.” He rubs the back of his neck with his hand.
    “Umm... Okay. I am going to umm get going and help Grant check out this place.” I turn to walk away and Cade grabs my arm to stop me.
    “I mean it Willow, if you need me yell and I will be right there.”
    I nod and he lets go of my arm. I slowly make my way up the steps and to the front door. The door squeaks as I push it open. I hesitantly step in with a death grip on my very own Mr. Bat. I have my arms cocked back ready to swing at the slightest sound or movement.
    The place looks like no one has lived here in years. I make my way down the short hallway until I come to the first room. It is big and mostly empty besides some small boxes and a patio chair in the middle of the floor. There is a huge floor to ceiling book shelf on the far left wall completely empty. On the wall right in front of me there is a fireplace that I would expect to be empty but see a few logs still smoldering in the pit.
    Satisfied that the room is empty I turn and back out. I hear noise coming from the back of the house and reluctantly put one foot in front of the other to see what or who is making the noise. As I round the corner to peer the direction the noise is coming from, Grant pops out from behind it.
    I jump back and he raises his gun ready to shoot.
    “Oh my God Grant you scared me to death!” I whisper.
    He lowers his gun and pants, “Dear Jesus Wil. What are you doing back here I was supposed to check the back of the house and you the front.”
    “Sorry I heard a noise and wanted to see what it was. Everything clear back here so far?” I ask trying to look past him.
    “Yeah there was a limp in the back but I took him out. What about you? Things clear up there?” He nods his head in the direction I came from.
    “Yeah except in the living room I saw a few smoldering logs in the fireplace.”
    His face lights up with hope. “Maybe she is here somewhere! MELODY! MELODY BABY?!” He screams out.
    “SHHHHH!” I hiss. “You’re going to get all the flesh eaters in hearing distance stumbling over here and right onto us!”
    “Shit, sorry,” he says.
    “It’s okay. Look, you finish looking back here and I will head up stairs to see if she is maybe up there.”
    He nods and I turn around and head up the stairs.
    The steps creak as each foot lands down on them. I have my bat raised and ready to strike. I come to the top of the stairs. There is a room straight ahead. I ease my way closer and see it is a bathroom and is clear. I turn and head down the long dark hallway. The floor

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