Strong Enough
mean he can sense my desperation? Oh shit, he
thinks I’m desperate! Wait… I am…
    He leans back leaving his hand on my hip. “I
was going to grab a bite to eat, want to join me?” Quick think of an excuse, anything, you cannot go out with
him, bad bad idea…. “Um sure, I just need to shower.”
Dropping his hand from my hip he leans further back. “Yeah about
that, I wasn’t going to say anything but….” He said laughing.
“Haha, you could use one too, and I would have said something to
you about it if you didn’t take one.” I say sarcastically.
    “Ok well, go home and shower and I will pick
you up say in about an hour?”
    “Ok, that’s fine. I’ll text you my
    “No need, I know where you live.” What the fuck? How does he know where I
    He quickly sees the look of confusion and
concern flash across my face. “You filled out a profile when you
first joined the gym Reece, remember? It has your address, I admit,
I looked,” he said with a sheepish smile. “I wasn’t stalking you or
anything, was just curious.”
    Although I am pissed that he looked, I guess
I understand, sorta? “Well in case you didn’t memorize my apartment
number it is 718.” I turn and head toward the front door of the
gym. I give a backwards wave while leaving. “See ya in a bit.” That was stupid, now everyone who heard me
knows we are going out….Shit.
    I don’t bother to turn around because I
don’t want to see what he’s doing or the look on his face. I
especially don’t want to see how many other people standing around
him are looking at me after my very loud proclamation. I push open
the doors to the gym and head to my car. Panic is starting to set
in since I have not been on a date in years. Who am I kidding, I
don’t date. Chris was my last boyfriend two years ago and that
lasted all of three months. This will prove to be interesting.
    Stepping out of the shower I grab my towel hanging
on the wall and wrap it around me as I walk up to the mirror. I run
my hand back and forth across the steam covered mirror so I can see
myself. Standing there I look over myself. Wet hair and red skin
from the hot water, I can’t quite figure out what it is that
Sterling might even find attractive. Maybe he doesn’t and I am more
of a game to him. Bed the girl that no one can seem to get? Shaking
my head clear of the thoughts I reach over and open the door to the
bathroom to let the steam out and clear up the mirror so I can see
myself to get ready.
    With my hair now dry and straightened and
what little make up I do wear applied it is now time to figure out
what to wear. This should be the fun part…
    I find myself again standing in front of a
mountain of clothes. I now realize it would have been a good idea
to ask where we were going to eat in order to dress appropriately.
Hot Texas summer means no jeans or anything silk unless I want to
talk around with huge pit stains from the amounts of sweat that
could happen. I settle on cute dark copper shorts, a little on the
dressy side, and a breezy ivory sleeveless button down that stops
at the top of my hips. I finish it off with my thin metallic belt
and metallic multi tone strappy heels.
    Standing in front of the full length mirror
in my bedroom I examine the look. The Texas sun has helped me
develop a nice tan which stands out more against the color of the
shorts. With the heels on you can see more calf muscle and I am
starting to see the definition in my legs Sterling keeps referring
to. I look ok, comfortable, not too dressy, could fit in anywhere
kind of look. My attention diverts to the clock by my bed and sees
that he will be here any minute now.
    Walking to the living room I hear the knock
at the door. I stop and take a minute to collect myself. Good lord what have I gotten myself
    Pausing with my hand on the door handle I
take in one last deep breath. As I open the door I see him standing
in the hallway looking down with one hand resting

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