Strong Enough
on the door frame
and the other in the pocket of his khaki cargo shorts. The navy
blue polo he wore fit snugly against his broad chest and wrapped
his muscular arms tightly. Noticing the well-worn flip flops on his
feet brought a smile to my face.
    “Hi,” he said softly straightening up to
greet me.
    “Hi yourself, let me just grab my purse,” I
say as I walk away from the door to grab my purse off the couch.
“So where are we going?” I say as I turn to walk back toward the
door but bump into him standing behind me. “Oh sorry, didn’t
realize you followed me in.” My comfort level has just dropped.
Panic is setting in as I step away from him.
    “Sorry, didn’t mean to sneak up on you I
just…” reaching out to touch my face he runs the back of his hand
down my cheek causing me to shiver. “I just wanted to do this.” His
hand wraps around my neck as his fingers spread upward into my
hair. With a gentle pull my lips are against his. The feel of his
soft and full lips catches up to me and I relax as my arms wrap
upward under his arms so my hands are holding on to each of his
shoulders. Pressing himself into me the kiss develops as his tongue
runs along the crease of my lips looking for entrance. Without time
to think and process my heart is beating against my chest with
anticipation and I grant him access parting my lips. His tongue
slides in and caresses mine as the kiss deepens to a point I can’t
get enough of him. His other hand is wrapped around my waist and
pulling me tightly against him. Feverish movement increases and the
kissing is hot. Suddenly he pulls back slightly with his hand still
tangled in my hair and holding my head. “Ready to go eat?” Is he fucking serious right now? Food is the
last thing on my mind . Wide eyed and a little
disappointed I nod my answer releasing my grasp on him.
    Following him down the stairs to the parking
lot, I wonder to myself what he drives. Is he the sports car guy,
economical sedan, hand me down old beater… My curiosity is appeased
when he hits the alarm to a White Ford 150 lifted with huge mud
tires. Yep, Texas boy all right and only a Texas girl would know
how to get in this lifted truck in heels and still be stylish about
    Opening the door to the truck he asks, “Need
help getting in?”
    Brows arched, my eyes rolled over to look at
him. “Nope, I got this.” Grabbing the handle on the door I put my
right foot on the chrome running board as I pull myself up and grab
the handle on the inside of the cab with my left hand and swing my
left foot inside so my ass plants itself on the seat and slide
myself all the way in. Sterling is standing outside chuckling. “Yep
you sure do.” With a pleased look on my face I pull the door
    Sterling hasn’t said much about where we are
heading to eat. Hell he hasn’t said much about anything since we
left my house. The silence in the cab would be louder if it wasn’t
for the country radio station playing. Trying not to let the
silence get to me I begin to hum along to a Gary Allan song
playing. It happens to be one of my favorite songs so my humming
turns to a soft singing and my eyes drift closed.
    … So you stole my world, now I’m
just a phony, remembering the girl, leaves down and lonely, we’ll
send it in a letter, make yourself feel better. But it’s not so
bad, you’re only the best I ever had, you don’t want me back,
you’re just the best I ever had. And it might take some time to
patch me up inside, but I can’t take it so, I run away and hide.
And I might find in time that you were always right, you were
always right. So you sailed away, into a gray sky morning, now I’m
here to stay, love can be so boring. Was it what you wanted, could
it be I’m haunted. But it’s not so bad, you’re only the best I ever
had, you don’t want me back, you’re just the best I ever
    “Wow Reece, I never knew you could sing.” His words
bring me back as I turn and look at him.
    “There is

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