Strong Enough
a lot you don’t know about me
Sterling,” I say in a monotone voice, staring out my window. There
is a lot of me no one knows. Hell there are parts of me that I
don’t even know anymore. A sudden sadness blankets me. Flashes of
who I use to be come to me as I watch the scenery out of the window
as it goes by. A warm hand rests on my left shoulder bringing me
back to the present.
    “Are you ok?” He asks with concern in his
voice. It’s a sound I don’t like. I don’t want or need people being
concerned for me.
    “Yep, I’m good, sorry spaced out for a
minute. So where are we headed?” Trying desperately to change the
    The truck slows as he turns into the parking
lot of Gators. This is one of my favorite restaurants with its mix
of sports and music and an awesome patio.
    The parking lot is full, as it always is
here due to popularity among the college age and what the place has
to offer. Sterling pulls off to the blacktop and parks in the grass
where other trucks have started to line up. I grab my purse, open
the door and hop out, literally.
    “You sure you’re okay Reece?” He asks as he
rounds the truck with a look of concern once again as he fiddles
with his keys.
    “I said I was fine Sterling, can we drop it
now?” Came out a bit harsh but geez I said I was fine.
    His hands flew up in a defensive manner as
he backed away slightly. “Yep we can drop it,” he said turning and
waiting for me to walk next to him.
    I am sure at this point he does not know
what to do or say to me. Hell I’m not even sure what to do or say
to me. All I know is when I say to drop something, I really mean
    Gators seems to be buzzing with activity
tonight. Sterling holds the door open as I walk in and up to the
host stand and ask for a spot on the patio. Weaving through the
groups of people standing in the bar, we make our way to the patio
and are seated off to the left of the stage close to the Tiki hut
    “Man this place gets busy,” Sterling says
looking around us at all the people.
    “Yep, this is one of my favorite places to
come and listen to music. Also a great place during football season
    “Oh yeah, you’re a football fan?”
    “What warm blooded Texan isn’t?” I say, with
a joking questionable look on my face.
    We don’t wait long for our waitress to come
over to greet us. Her blond hair neatly pulled back into a tight
high pony tail. Her toned stomach showing from her shirt being tied
up around her waist and her long legs extending from under her
short, and I do mean short, black shorts. What
the hell, did they pull this chick off a runway in
    Sterling is looking at the menu when she
stops at the table. “Hi my name is Jessica and I’ll be your server
tonight, what can I get you to… Sterling?” She stops mid-sentence
when she recognizes him and is smiling from ear to ear. “What are
you doing here?” Her question although serious seems silly to me.
Glancing across the table at Sterling I can see he is uncomfortable
but not sure why. His forehead is scrunched and his mouth is drawn
in a tight smile. “Jessica, um, hi, how are you?” Glancing across
the table at me with a look of forgiveness. Now I am feeling
uncomfortable. Obviously there is something I am not catching on
    “I’m doing good, moved to town a few weeks
ago and started working here last week. I didn’t know you moved
here. But I guess since we haven’t talked much since the breakup…”
And just like that it all made sense. This is his ex-girlfriend?
What the hell is he doing out with me when he has dated girls that
look like her? Leaning back in my chair I cross my legs and allow
my arm to drape over my leg in my lap. I am watching Sterling as he
shifts uncomfortably in his chair not sure if it’s because of her
or me. My gaze shifts from him to her and back to him. She seems
very comfortable but not him. He glances at me quickly and offers a
small smile. Jessica continues on about moving and

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