Still The One (Family Stone #4 Jack) (Family Stone Romantic Suspense)
lips puffy from their kisses, skin slightly pink from the scrape of his beard across her chest and belly, the tips of her nipples poking through the delicate lace of her bra. She was undone.
    All for him.
    With one smooth move, he slid her pants and panties down her legs and off, tossing them onto the coffee table next to him.
    Paradise waited between her thighs and before she could object, Jack dove into her. He lifted her legs until her thighs were over his shoulders, ran his hands down her legs then pressed his palms against the tender curve of her belly. She was completely exposed to him and in his control. The move lifted her ass slightly, and finally Jack bent to her sex.
    He rubbed his nose against her clit and then smiled at her little ‘oh’ of surprise. Jack kissed the swollen button pushing out of the nest of auburn curls. Then with little fanfare he began to eat at her in earnest. He flattened his tongue and licked her opening from the bottom of her lips to her clit, over and over again. With each lick he curled just a little more into her until his mouth was pressed tight against her sex, his tongue was fucking her and his stubble abraded her clit. She was rocking her hips and sex against his mouth so hard, he knew she was close. Jack pressed on her belly and gobbled her up.
    Bliss’s fingers tightened in his hair. Little whimpers escaped as she bowed up jamming her sex against his mouth even as her womb contracted against the press of his palms and she flew apart. With every moan and sigh, his cock pulsed against the constraint of his zipper.
    How could he have let this go? He should have pushed harder. Demanded answers when they’d been younger. Instead he’d dragged his wounded, destroyed heart to Basic and wallowed in misery.
    But he was here now and she was opening to him. He’d be a fool if he didn’t seize this opportunity.
    Bliss was blind, deaf, dumb, her entire body engaged in the intense pleasure that caromed throughout her. Jack was pressing sweet soft kisses against her inner thighs, his fingers stroking the sensitive skin of her belly, trying to bring her down from the mind blowing high of release.
    A shiver worked over her body as she rubbed her foot against the hot hard length of him. His erection was trapped in the confines of his cargo pants. Bliss wasn’t about to let that erection go to waste.
    She reached between their bodies and tugged on the waist of Jack’s pants. “Off. Now.”
    Jack smiled against her belly. He kissed the same path up her body, taking his time, suckling each breast with slow lazy draws. Jack’s heart bulleted in his chest, thrilled with the urgency of her actions as she shoved his pants to his knees.
    He managed to maintain a leisurely exploration of her skin and body until she curled her palm around his erection.
    His hips surged into her hand as she squeezed with the perfect amount of pressure then rubbed her thumb over the weeping tip. Jack groaned. “Jesus, Bliss.”
    She was everywhere. Her feet were pushing his pants down his legs, even as her hand guided him to her slick core. His bare cock rubbed against her swollen aroused flesh. Bliss’s breath caught as he nudged her entrance. The proof of her completion coated the tip of his cock and he slipped inside her.
    And oh, my God, he slid inside her like he’d never left. Her sex swallowed him up and enveloped him in a sheath of love and perfection.
    He was full to bursting. Full of urgency to claim her. Full of the need to be with her again. Full of an emotion he refused to name. To have her take him in and accept him in without reservation.
    Jack shuddered at the slick velvet clasp that surrounded his cock. Each slow foray in, his head rubbed over the swollen ridge of her g-spot. He wanted to get lost in the sensation of her body. The soft pillow of her breasts, the sharp points of her nipples against his pecs, the sweet cradle of her hips, and the sweet dig of her heels into his ass.
    He re-learned

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