Still The One (Family Stone #4 Jack) (Family Stone Romantic Suspense)

Still The One (Family Stone #4 Jack) (Family Stone Romantic Suspense) by Lisa Hughey Page B

Book: Still The One (Family Stone #4 Jack) (Family Stone Romantic Suspense) by Lisa Hughey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Hughey
Tags: romantic suspense, romantic thriller, military romance, romantic novella
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other vehicles through. The branches had grown together creating a tunnel that blocked out the sunrise. The high beams from the Charger cut through the dark warren-like atmosphere and illuminated the eerie road.
    “The entrance is coming up on the right,” Bliss said tensely from the backseat.
    “We should go past the drive and continue on,” Jack directed.
    “There isn’t much else out here.” Bliss gripped the back of the headrest. She’d reviewed the topography maps thoroughly. “And nothing past this entrance. The last ‘property’ on the road literally fell down about twenty years ago. Maria traveled through two canyons to get to Marshal Garrett’s property.” More of her luck. It really was incredible.
    “What are the odds that Fernandez has it under surveillance?”
    “None.” Bliss’s anxiety ramped up to a new level. “He and whoever was bringing Maria supplies need to stay as far away from this property as possible.”
    “There could be cameras,” Jack argued, while Shane navigated the increasingly bumpy drive.
    “There was no evidence of cameras when the crime scene techs did their investigation of the property.”
    A dip in the landscape led down to a creek that ran alongside the barren road.
    “Jesus, she escaped through this?” Jack muttered as they drove into a small clearing. The tiny house, little more than a living room, kitchen, bath and bedroom, backed up to the creek. It was barely a thousand square feet and had clearly been built over a hundred years ago. A porch ran the width of the house and two rickety steps lead to the front door.
    Once upon a time this had been a homestead. Overgrown roses bordered the porch, some blooms clung desperately to their petals. There was rusted tilling equipment off to the side and tattered curtains hung in the cracked and rippled glass of the windows.
    “Shane, keep watch while we check it out,” Jack commanded.
    “You got it, boss.”
    Fog swirled in the early morning. Dawn was barely more than a pink-edged sky. Squirrels clicked and chattered as they scampered up the thick eucalyptus trunks. The birds were silent. The creek bed was dry. Small rodents rustled in the underbrush. Smells battled for dominance, the piney scent of eucalyptus, the decay of underbrush and leaves, and the faded sweet of the porch roses. Besides the animals, the quiet was absolute.
    “Who owns the house?” Jack asked gruffly as they approached the front porch.
    “It appears to be abandoned.” Bliss shifted into business mode. “In theory it was foreclosed on about ten years ago. The previous owners left.”
    “Can they be tied back to Fernandez in any way?”
    Bliss shook her head, even though he wasn’t looking at her. “So far we’ve been unable to find a connection.”
    “Then why hasn’t the bank taken possession?”
    “That’s where it gets a little murky.” Bliss huffed out a breath. “According to county records it was foreclosed on by Banke of America.”
    “So why not go back to Bank of America?”
    “Because it’s B-A-N-K-E of America.” Bliss continued, “On the surface it looks like a typo. But the real B of A has no record of foreclosing on the property.”
    “Have you thought about seeing if there are any other properties registered to the company with that typo?” Jack mulled over the discrepancy.
    “We have a forensic accountant working on it.”
    “I could ask Connor.”
    “Not necessary.” Bliss shut him down before he could offer to call his brother again.
    Jack said, “I would think you’d want everyone working on this, if we can tie the house back to Fernandez, it is one more piece of evidence.”
    He was right but...“We can’t risk that he’s monitoring your brother and Ava after yesterday.”
    Bliss knew she was right. But she understood his wish to figure this out and to use the resources he had at his disposal.
    They breeched the porch at the same time.
    Bliss wondered if they’d have to break down the door, but

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