Star Wars: The Last of the Jedi, Volume 9

Star Wars: The Last of the Jedi, Volume 9 by Jude Watson

Book: Star Wars: The Last of the Jedi, Volume 9 by Jude Watson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jude Watson
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Even the servants.”
    “Even if that’s so,” Ferus said, “I heard from Hydra that Imperial security knew beforehand that Raymus Antilles would be landing at TerraAsta. It was not a random stop.
He was targeted.”
    “But when I gave Antilles that order, there were only Breha and Deara present,” Bail said.
    “Someone must have been listening,” Ferus said.
    Bail shook his head slowly. “I can’t believe it.”
    “You have to believe it,” Obi-Wan said. “You have to set a trap for the spy. To have one that close is dangerous not just to you…”
    “But to Leia as well,” Bail said. “Yes, I see that.”
    “We have to set a trap,” Ferus said.
    Bail nodded his agreement before turning to Obi-Wan. “I’m glad you contacted me. Something has been on my mind. Have you heard of a group called Moonstrike?”
    “Yes,” Obi-Wan said. “Ferus has done a few favors for the leader, Flame.”
    “She contacted me about Alderaan joining the group. Apparently there is to be a first meeting of resistance leaders from planets in the Core. Mon Mothma and I have decided to go very
slowly with our resistance efforts. What will be strong must be built with care. But Flame has a different take. Perhaps a better strategy is to strike now, when the Empire is just beginning to
consolidate its power. Alderaan is vulnerable. Things are changing so fast. I want to protect my homeworld if I can. If we had alliances willing to help us….” Bail let his voice trail
    “You are asking my advice?” Obi-Wan asked.
    “You are my best counselor,” Bail said warmly.
    “Ferus and I no doubt disagree on this issue,” Obi-Wan said after a pause. “A linkage of resistance movements from planet to planet is of course a goal. The question is timing.
Most planets are depleted from the Clone Wars. Empty of weapons, empty of spirit. Bellassa is a rare example of a planet that has managed to mobilize the will of the people to fight the Empire.
Most of the others are just glad for peace and hoping for prosperity. To create a full-out rebellion would be difficult if not impossible. In the meantime those resistance leaders who will be
needed later will be exposed. So I would advise you not to join Moonstrike. Waiting is hard—but sometimes it is smarter.”
    “You believe so in this case,” Bail said gravely.
    “I do.”
    Ferus saw that Bail was now wavering. That was unfortunate for Flame. He agreed with her that without a political component Moonstrike could be doomed.
    Obi-Wan hadn’t changed Ferus’s mind. It was exactly the opposite. Now he felt more inclined than ever to help Moonstrike.

Revery appeared, a blue planet with a soft haze of pink clouds. Aquamarine seas were visible in a patchwork of gold and green land. It was as lovely from space as it was
reputed to be on the surface. Clive entered their coordinates into the nav panel for the mysterious abode of Eve Yarrow.
    “Let’s just hope we escaped detection. Even if by some miracle Bloomi didn’t talk, the report of two bank robbers will be all over the security channel right now.”
    “Could be,” Astri said. Her lips quirked upward. “We’ll know soon enough.”
    Clive gave her a quick glance. “Hey, you
    “Don’t be ridiculous.” Astri bent over to fiddle with her utility belt. Her curly hair hid her face.
    “You do!” he crowed.
    “That’s an awful thing to say—”
    “I’m not saying you like the Empire. Or that you’re glad there was a war so you could go flying through the galaxy with a blaster strapped to your leg. It’s just
that…you’re not afraid. You like the adrenaline. You’re the one who got us out of that mess back there. So what gives? I thought you were a politician’s wife, giving teas and
running receptions. Were you some kind of spy back before the Clone Wars?”
    “You’ve got a pretty dumb idea of what a politician’s wife does,” Astri said, annoyed. “Teas? Receptions? I ran a policy think

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