Spirit Warrior

Spirit Warrior by S. E. Smith

Book: Spirit Warrior by S. E. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
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see you when the shootout is over.”
    A low curse escaped Jacob as the doors started to close. Stepping forward, he quickly entered the elevator. Jonathan’s low curse echoed as he turned sideways and squeezed inside.
    “Are you kidding me?” Trey asked Allie under his breath as both men leaned forward, bowing their heads and placing their hands on their knees as the elevator started to rise.
    “I don’t think they’ve ever been on one before,” Allie whispered back with a choked laugh as Jacob mumbled another prayer under his breath.
    “Please, don’t let this open at Heaven’s Gate,” Jonathan breathed out. “I’m not ready to go yet.”
    “Wow!” Trey whistled. “I loved the damn things when I was a kid. They must lead a very sheltered life.”

Chapter 11
    Jacob straightened as the box they were in started to slow. He continued to draw in long, deep breaths as his stomach settled back to where it was supposed to be. Every fucking time he thought there wasn’t anything else that could scare the shit out of him, something would pop its damn head up to mock him.
    Jacob agreed with his brother. The thing did look like a big coffin. Well, except for the fancy tile and the lights. He straightened and wrapped his hands around the comforting feel of the butt of his guns.
    He swallowed as a soft ping sounded and the doors started to open. He was slightly behind Jonathan, who was ready to bolt the moment the door opened far enough for him to get out.
    Jonathan stumbled in front of him, his arms reaching out as a familiar figure came running toward the elevator at them. Jacob followed his brother as he rushed for Indy. Her large, frightened eyes and pale, bruised face were imprinted in his mind as a strangled cry escaped her as she lost her balance and slid on the smooth, tiled surface.
    “Indy!” Allie’s startled cry echoed behind him.
    Jacob pulled his gun to cover Jonathan and Indy at the same time as he pushed Allie into a narrow, recessed area in the wall where a large planter was as she tried to move around him.
    “Stay there,” he ordered as he moved forward.
    Jonathan rushed forward, lifting Indy into his arms while Jacob pulled his gun with one hand at the same time as he pushed Allie into a nearby alcove to protect her. Jonathan vaguely recognized that Jacob stood protectively in front of all of them, making sure his body was between them and any threat that might come at them.
    He could hear Indy’s gasping plea to his brother. Trey had also drawn his gun and had moved in front of Jonathan and Indy. A low curse exploded from him when a man stepped out of the door further down the corridor with his hands up.
    Jacob raised his gun at the figure. His arm jerked up toward the ceiling when Trey suddenly stepped in front of him. He wanted to throw the bastard out of the way, but Trey had his arms spread wide.
    “For crying out loud, don’t shoot! Rodgers, what the fuck is going on?” Trey called out to the man standing stiffly by the opened door.
    “We have him,” the man replied in a voice devoid of emotion as he slowly lowered his hands. “He confessed to killing Evelyn.”
    “Shit!” Trey cursed. “Did you get it on tape?”
    “Yes,” the man replied as his eyes moved to where Indy was partially hidden behind the huge man with a gun pointed at him.
    Jacob pulled the hammer back on the pistol in his hand and stepped to the side so he had a clear shot when the man took a step forward. His jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed on his target. He’d be damned if he’d let anyone near Indy. The man must have understood that he wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet between his eyes as he raised his hands and took a step back.
    “Is she alright? I tried to do what I could to protect her. She doesn’t make it easy, you know,” Rodgers commented with a small smile.
    Jacob’s eyes narrowed and he glanced briefly at Trey. Trey gave him a brief nod as he slipped his gun back into the holster under

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