type. Maybe adoption? But then what would Scott say?
    “Italian Kitchen. May I take your order?”
    “Large cheese pizza.” Which reminded me that Nicky was apparently not eating. If you were pregnant and didn’t eat, did you end up looking like one of the starving children in Africa?
    “Cash or credit?”
    I had to stop thinking about this. She’d be fine. Of course she would be fine.

    On Tuesday, Scott was still not talking to Nicky. Alec was, according to Amie, completely useless. He didn’t understand why his advice to relax and give Scott time was so awful. I didn’t press Dev to talk to Scott. Really, I didn’t have the right. Either way, I had my own pre-break problems to deal with. Someone had seen me and Dev making out behind the auditorium on Saturday night. Or heard him talking about it. Or was just making up crap. Whatever it was, someone had made assumptions and was telling the entire student body that we were having sex. The same someone was also kind enough to remind the entire student body that we weren’t dating. They got it half right, but I’d rather they get the dating wrong than the sex. Besides, when you have everyone thinking you’ve had sex, you should at least get something out of it. Namely sex.
    I hated boarding school sometimes.
    Dev, in true boy form, didn’t care. Worse, he was proud. Freaking double standards: he got backslapped, I got bitch-slapped. So much for feminism. Cleo kept telling me it didn’t matter. Of course, I wasn’t exactly her top concern. Thank God classes this week were basically to keep us occupied before the long weekend. Midterms had supposedly burnt us out. It made a good excuse.
    Math gave us back our scores first. When I saw the score scrawled in bright red across the top, I froze. 98%. Shit.
    “What’d you get?” The only thing I knew about the speaker was that she was on the crew team. Not that I needed anyone to tell me; the girl was hugely tall with broader shoulders than half the guys in our class. She also probably had more muscle in her hands than I did in my whole body. Her test, which she wasn’t bothering to hide, had 87% in matching cramped red scribble.
    I flipped my test over on my desk. “Eighty-nine.”
    “Nice.” She grinned at me. “Congrats.”
    “You too.” Hopefully, I sounded enthused. “Great score.”
    “I studied for hours.” I nodded and continued to smile as she went on and on about her study sessions and her flashcards.
    This is why I lie.
    Thankfully, my friends had bigger things to worry about. Not one of them asked me about my grades. They were more concerned about when I was planning to leave for Cleo’s and whether or not Dev had gotten in my pants. Everyone seemed to think I was lying. Even when Scott said he believed me, Alec was laughing behind a supposedly subtle hand. And Dev was terrible at pretending he had sympathy, which just pissed me off.
    “‘Relax, baby,’ my ass.” I snapped at him. It was Wednesday night after study hall and it felt like the entire student body was watching us. “I’m not making out with you in front of a bunch of people who think we’re having sex.”
    “Bizza, it’s fine.” He grinned that same stupid cocky grin. Right now, not so cute. “They already thought we were having sex.”
    I pulled away, crossing my arms over my chest. It was freezing tonight, one of the first cold nights of fall. Of course, it would also be the night I couldn’t share body heat. “You asshole.”
    The grin faded. “It’s true!” Leaning into the wall and shoving his hands deep into his jacket pockets, he looked about as happy as I felt. Let the gossips figure out what the hell was going on now. Laying the groundwork for makeup sex?
    “Look, Bizza, it doesn’t matter. Who the hell cares? We’re not.”
    “Well, why not?” Why are my brain and mouth always disconnected at the worst moments? I didn’t even know what I was mad about anymore.
    “Because…” He searched for a

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