could try again he clipped her
cuffs behind her to one of the chair’s spindles.
    “You’re going to watch this.” He went to the
desk and returned with a remote control. “What you’ll see is
everything from the start of the session to the end.”
    Since she didn’t have a choice she set her
jaw and stared at the screen. When it started, on the screen Zach
was sitting behind his desk and Mistress Donna and Vicky were
seated in front of it. The two women had their clothes on, the same
clothing they were wearing when they’d left.
    He had one set of papers in front of Donna,
and another in front of Vicky. The onscreen Zach said, “Everything
we do here is recorded from the moment you enter this dungeon to
when you leave. This is for legal purposes only. I do not use the
video for any other purposes.”
    “Okay,” the sub said, and the Domme added,
“Of course.”
    “Just so we understand each other,” he said
as he pointed to lines on the pages for them to read, “This
describes the scene and what will happen and you are consenting to
what will happen. It also says I have the exclusive right to use
all the images that are taken of you.”
    “Understood,” the Domme said and the sub
nodded in agreement.
    “Vicky, are you at least nineteen?” he
    “Yes.” She had a soft, pretty voice. “I’m
    “Let me see your driver’s licenses, please,
both of you.” He took one from the sub then ran it through a
special scanner that she’d seen somewhere else. It was obviously to
make sure the license was legit.
    He went through several other conditions then
had each of them sign two copies of the forms. He gave them each a
copy and kept one for himself, which he filed in a drawer.
    “You ladies get ready, and I will make sure
I’m prepared,” he said as he stood.
    Christy frowned as she stared at the screen,
watching everything that was happening. Was he telling the truth?
Or did he not participate in this one later, for her benefit?
    “This part gets a little boring, so I’ll
speed it up,” Zach said to Christy and he raised the remote. He
fast-forwarded until the Domme and sub came out of the shower room
and then let Christy watch as the session began.
    It wasn’t long before the onscreen Zach
looked toward the dungeon door, set down his camera and left. The
door was not onscreen, the camera only showing at an angle from the
desk to the play area.
    A little bit later, she heard Zach’s voice
and him telling the Domme and the sub, “She’s supposed to be here
for the next shoot but wants to play a little since she’s here
    And then from that point on the scene was as
Christy had watched it unfold. He fast-forwarded once it got into
the part that Christy had already watched.
    The whole thing was recorded through the
moment the Domme and sub left the dungeon.
    Christy sat still as she let everything
settle in her mind. Zach came up behind her and unlocked her
    She stood and looked at him, her chin raised.
“All right,” she said. “How do I know this isn’t just an example of
you photographing and not playing as a part of business?”
    “Would you like to see another?” He walked to
the set of drawers beside the desk and rolled open a drawer. It was
full of DVD jewel cases. “Pick any one you want.”
    She followed him and looked in the drawer.
The cases were labeled, numbered, and organized by date. She picked
up one at random and handed it to him. “This one.”
    He took it from her then loaded the DVD into
the player. Again he pointed the remote at the TV and a similar
scene unfolded with a male Dom and a female sub signing papers, and
then changing into latex outfits and playing.
    “Well?” Zach paused it and looked from the
screen to Christy. “Do you see all of the lighting in the room?
It’s set up for this. From time to time I rent this dungeon out to
others from the same club that participated in the auction, I am
just very discreet about this

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