due to my other businesses. I started
doing this years ago. I separate my business from my personal time
    Christy frowned. “Are you telling me that you
don’t have photos of women you have played with yourself as you did
    “I told you,” he said. “I have dated women
and this is a part of it. I am monogamous in a relationship.”
    “Where are the other photographs, with those
women?” she asked.
    “I deleted the photos for both women when we
broke up,” he said. ”They asked me to and I did it.”
    She gestured to her surroundings. “Then why
this huge dungeon with showers and a desk and a TV?”
    “I did it for myself,” he said. “I can afford
it and I always wanted a dungeon, and I appreciate quality. I used
it for my business and my fun. But now it doesn’t get used a lot
because I hadn’t found the right woman.”
    She raised an eyebrow. “You’re telling me
that you don’t play just to play for fun?”
    “No, I don’t.” He shook his head. “I need the
emotions involved to play. I used to do casual play, but it was
empty. You may find that hard to believe, but that’s the
    Christy studied him, trying to sort through
what he was telling her and what her feelings were about it
    He pointed to his laptop. “You can go through
anything and everything you want to on my computer and in my
archives in every hard drive I own. You will see nothing personal
in there for the past two years, since I broke up with my last
    “Do you have a website where you post some or
all of these photos?” she asked.
    “It’s a website I sold. I no longer have it
but it does have my old work on it. I no longer contribute to it.”
He touched his laptop. “Would you like to see?”
    She shook her head. “Maybe later.”
    “Did you take video of us?” she asked instead
of responding to what he’d said.
    “No.” He shook his head. “I did record every
session so that I have a record of everything that has happened in
this room including consent. This is the kind of business where you
need to cover your ass. I have the consent on video because I don’t
know the submissive she was working over.”
    “When did you start doing this?” she asked,
still trying to absorb the whole thing.
    “About five years ago.” He gestured to the
room around them. “That’s why I have such a large, well-equipped
    “That makes sense.” She pulled at lace on her
corset. “How often do you do this?”
    “Quite a while ago it was once a week.” He
leaned back so that his ass was resting on his desk, his arms
folded across his well-muscled chest. “I paid the models and
prepared and posted the video and photographs on the website. It
just got to where it didn’t feel right. I didn’t like to be a part
of the website business. It was an issue with the last relationship
I had and I just sold the business and quit. Now, like I said, it
is infrequent. Maybe three to five months apart at most for old
friends only who ask me to do it for them.”
    A part of her felt better now that she
understood. But a part of her wasn’t sure she could accept that he
did this with other people, even if he didn’t participate.
    “Here’s my portfolio.” He handed her a large
black book that had been on the file cabinet. “Look it over.”
    She opened the big book on his desk and
started flipping through the pages, one at a time. The photographs
were amazing. So clear and beautiful. It wasn’t some hackneyed job
for cheap thrills.
    These were works of art. Each photo capturing
a vulnerable moment from a sub or an expression of power from a
Domme or Dom. The photographs were snapshots into the soul of the
person he was photographing.
    “Why didn’t you tell me about all of this to
begin with?” she said as she went through the book.
    “I didn’t want to scare you,” he said and she
looked up at him. “Like what happened when you discovered those
pictures before I had a chance to

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