Smut in the City (Absolute Erotica)
and the air grows static between us. He must see the change in my posture. Self preservation screams at me to shatter the suddenly weird atmosphere. He beats me to it.
    “I mean, I can’t help staring that’s all,” he says, the slight uneven tone in his voice alerting me to the fact that he knows he’s said something to scare me. “I’m still like a child in that way. It gets hard to cultivate good social skills when you’re talking to someone and all you want to do is study the way their skin skates and moves over the bones beneath.” He manages a soft nervous laugh, trying to soothe me. “I’m not really... I mean... I shouldn’t have said the word creepy.” He is terribly flustered now and through the mirror I see he is mixing colours frantically on his palette.
    “It’s all right,” I say, choosing to stick with my initial impression of this man. I hesitate, desperately wanting to ask him the question that no one will answer, but not wanting to hear the truth either. I have to know. “So how exactly did you know?” I ask the question in a way that I hope he understands what knowledge I’m seeking and that I don’t want to admit that I want to know. I brace myself, thinking he’s going to give a description of my strange looking eyes.
    He puts down his brushes and steps out from behind the easel walking quickly towards me. Before I can work out what’s going on, he lifts my face by my chin and through my blinkered vision I feel him looking right into me.
    “Because you didn’t look away,” he whispers and his hot breath caresses the skin around my mouth. The words cause a lump to rise in my throat and tears threaten to well in my eyes. He has been made alone by his need to see - and so have I. I kiss him. He lets me.
    Before I know it I am lying back and he is kneeling between my knees, tearing off his shirt. He is smiling. I can tell by the way the air moves inside his puckered cheeks and out through his teeth. It’s subtle but I know it. I smile back and he crawls up bringing his knees to the outside of my thighs and wriggling them together. He lifts my arms and places them over my head holding them there in one hand while the other trails down to my arm pit, then side, then over my breast.
    Tiny hairs all over my skin rise and tug beautiful sensations in tiny waves as they go. It’s like a flash of colour being painted over my body in one long stroke. He follows with his tongue, gently lapping down to my rib cage then slowly, slowly up to the underside of my breast. He licks it hard, forcing the mound of flesh up onto my chest, then releases, blowing on the moistened skin as it falls, quivering back into place. It is thrilling. I am becoming more aware that he must be watching every little thing that he is doing, the effects, the way the light dances over my skin, the way a tiny touch can cause such a reaction. I feel detached from him, like I am not really a person to him that he wants to connect with - more a thing he wants to study. But as he now grazes his thumb over my nipple and lets it ping back into place, I sink further away from him too, and into myself, just languishing in pure sensation. Pressure on my wrist is released as he becomes completely absorbed in playing with both my nipples now. He thumbs and kneads them and I arch my back giving him full access to the rising tight nubs of puckered flesh. His head dips and he begins to suckle me, at first feathery nibbles, then he engulfs me with his hot wet mouth, biting, sucking, flicking his tongue hard. A groan escapes his throat and a pulse of pleasure shoots to my pussy. I am wet. God, I can feel my own heat and I splay my legs allowing the air of the room to cool it. The windows are open allowing the sounds and smells of my beloved city to circulate around me. I imagine the night air is my lover too and spread my legs wide for its cooling caress.
    My painter lets go of my breasts and kisses me once ferociously on the mouth. “You

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