Smut in the City (Absolute Erotica)
are fucking beautiful,” he says and I know he means it. My pussy is twitching now as he presses down on me, letting me feel his hardness through his trousers. I reach down to his waist and wrap my fingers around his buckle, relishing the cold metallic clink as I unhook it. He falls out into my hand, heavy and hard with longing. I begin to massage his cock in long languid stokes, feeling the flesh glide over his turgid mass, up and down. He growls in his throat again and desire makes me break my rhythm. He pulls away from me and stands, his body looming over me casting shadows all around. The sound of fabric falling is punctuated with the soft thunk of his trousers dispersing the air as they land just next to me. I turn my head towards them.
    “See?” he says, “You do see.” I keep quiet. It was a flippant thing for him to say. Turning your head towards a disturbance in the air hardly constitutes a cure for blindness. I perch up on my elbows as the shadows over me disappear and I hear him padding back behind the easel. No, he’s turning the lights down.
    “Wait...” I stop myself. What does it matter really if the lights are on or off? I relax into my elbows and listen to the night, teeming with life just below the open window of his apartment. Lovers loving, fighters fighting, life being lived. The atmosphere has changed once again and the room has taken on a flickering rosy hue. Scented candles fill the air with their heady scent and I’m a little disappointed that it diminishes his. “Please, come close.” I say softly when he has stopped pottering and taken his paints back up. The swirling heady smell of roses is making me giddy and I need to be grounded by his earthy manly musk. I shift onto my knees as he approaches and I reach out and catch him by the hips, pulling him in towards me. My head falls into his groin and I grip his buttocks inhaling the thick feral scent of a man. I bury my face in his pheromone-laden curls and steady myself there as he lays down his brushes and spreads his fingers into my hair. The nerves in my scalp become electrified as he massages and works my tension away. My mouth is watering and I butt my nose into the very point where his succulent cock begins.
    I release my grip on his bum and trail my touch around to his balls, cupping them and fondling them as he murmurs. I smell and sniff all the way up to the polished smooth tip of his cock where a dewy bead is my reward as I flick my tongue over him. I am so hungry for him. I open wide and plunge onto him, taking him deep into the fleshy pocket of my mouth, undulating my tongue and cheeks around him as he grips my hair tighter. I want to tear my nails into his body and own him all. I want to see the look on his face as I possess him with my whole being, just for that moment. I stop. Suspended once again in the knowledge that that won’t happen.
    “Are you all right?” he asks, his voice tender as I kneel there, suddenly still and silent.
    “I can’t see you,” I whisper.
    “Yes you can.”
    “No,” my excitement is subsiding and I’m beginning to sober up. “I can’t.”
    “Close your eyes,” he gently whispers bending to kiss me on the forehead before moving away. He returns quickly and wraps some material around my eyes; it is satin or something silky. He keeps wrapping and it gets darker and darker until I’m completely blindfolded. “Now lie back.”
    I do. He leaves again and I imagine myself looking down on the room, watching his every move. A squirt of paint and a swirl and clink of a brush being cleaned in a tall glass, the same brush winding and twisting colours together on the palette. He is back, kneeling beside me.
    “Now tell me,” he says and I flinch as a sudden cold wetness spreads from my ribcage to my navel as he sweeps his paintbrush across the canvas of my flesh, “What colour is this?”
    My whole body screams: Yellow! Yellow! Yellow! But I say nothing. How could I possible tell what colour he

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