Smokin' Seventeen

Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich

Book: Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Evanovich
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Someone in the cable company billing department would know.
    I wrestled the remote away from Vinnie, clicked the television off, and pointed stiff-armed at the door. “Out!”
    “I have to meet with the contractor anyway,” Vinnie said, pushing up from the couch. “They’re taking the crime scene tape down tonight, and we can get back to work on the office tomorrow.” He stopped at the door. “Where’s my bear?”
    I dropped a peanut into Rex’s cage. “I’m working on it.”
    Rex rushed out of his soup can den, stuffed the peanut into his cheek, and rushed back into his soup can.
    Mooner held the door open for Vinnie. “Dude, we could get satellite television for the Moon Bus.”
    “Yeah, and we could rob a bank to pay for it,” Vinnie said.
    “No!” I yelled into the hall, after them. “Don’t say that to Mooner. He’ll do it!”
    “At least somebody’ll be bringing in money,” Vinnie said.
    I closed and locked the door and looked in on Connie in the dining room. “You don’t think they’ll rob a bank, do you?”
    Connie shrugged. “Anything’s possible, but Vinnie would be more inclined to hijack a truck.”
    “Anything new come in?”
    “No. It’s deadly slow.”
    I took a nap and when I woke it was a little after five and Connie was packing up to leave.
    “See you tomorrow,” she said. “Do you have anything fun planned for tonight?”
    “I’m helping Ranger with a new account.”
    “Good thinking to take a nap.”
    “It’s business.”
    Connie hiked her tote bag onto her shoulder. “I’ve seen him look at you. It’s like you’re lunch.”
    I grabbed my sweatshirt and my shoulder bag and walked with Connie to the parking lot. Rangeman was located on a quiet side street in the center of the city. I took Hamilton anddid a quick detour into Morelli’s neighborhood. His SUV was in front of his house, so I pulled in behind it and parked. Morelli inherited the house from his aunt and has since become surprisingly domesticated. There’s still some wild beast left in the man, and he doesn’t own a cookie jar, but he’s better than I am at stocking his refrigerator and from time to time he puts the seat down on the toilet.
    He was pouring Bob’s dinner kibble into a bowl when I walked into the kitchen. Bob did his happy dance when he saw me, whipped around, and dove for his food when Morelli set the bowl on the floor.
    “What’s up?” Morelli asked.
    “I just stopped in to say hello. I’m on my way to Rangeman. Ranger asked me to go over a security system.”
    “After hours?”
    “It’s never after hours at Rangeman.”
    Rangeman ran a very specialized high-end security service, and unlike most large security firms, they monitored their accounts locally from a monitoring station in the Rangeman building. The building ran 24/7 and many of the men rented small efficiency apartments on site.
    “Anything new on the bonds office bodies?” I asked Morelli.
    Bob had scarfed up all his food and was pushing his bowl around on the floor. Morelli grabbed the bowl and put it in the sink. “Nothing earth-shattering. Positive IDs on both of them. Dugan and his lawyer, Bobby Lucarelli. No surprise there. Put into the ground a week to a couple days apart.”
    “Dugan and Lucarelli were involved in something bad.”
    “That’s a given,” Morelli said. “The question is which bad activity got them killed. Dugan had a laundry list of bad activities.”
    I was having a hard time concentrating on Dugan’s activities, because I was thinking Morelli looked unusually hot. He was in jeans and sweat socks and a T-shirt that wasn’t tucked in. And he was developing a nice five o’clock shadow. I mentally undressed him, my eyes lingering over critical areas, my body heat notching up a couple degrees.
    Morelli grinned over at me. “Cupcake, that is such a dirty smile.”
    I dropped my gaze to his feet. “It’s the socks. Very sexy.”
    “I’ll leave them on next time. The way my schedule

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