Sing a Song of Love

Sing a Song of Love by Sian O'Grady

Book: Sing a Song of Love by Sian O'Grady Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sian O'Grady
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about him.  I mean I knew about his family and where he came from and
his early years on the farm, but he hadn’t told me anything about his time in
Edinburgh.  I wandered if he had ever had any serious relationships or if he
had been married.  For all I knew he may even have kids and an ex-wife floating
around somewhere.
    I glanced over at Mack who was totally oblivious to anything
but his food and smiled to myself.  I did know that he loved food!
    The smell from mine wafted up and I tucked in again too.  My
musings where taking me nowhere; I knew enough about Mack to know that he was a
good man so I turned my head off.  Over thinking things was one of my worst

    Today had been a lot of fun and it had been great to hang
out with Jessie away from everyone else.  I liked being able to talk and touch
her at will without the need to censor my words or actions.  Our interactions
where stilted at best on set and it was a relief each night to get back to the sanctum
of our rooms.
    I had thought this new sleeping arrangement would get my
obsession with Jessie under control but so far it was having the opposite
effect. To date there was no evidence of annoying habits or endless prattle and
she hadn’t even said anything when I had purposely left the toilet seat up! 
She still had me bewitched as much as ever. 
    Jessie had to be the most uncomplicated woman I had ever
met.  She was honest and straight forward and there was no hint of the games
many women liked to play.  It was fun being around Jessie with the added bonus
of sex!  Phenomenal sex that was like nothing I had ever experienced.  It
seemed wrong to even call it sex as it was so much more than that.  Yes it was
hot and steamy but it was also connected emotionally in a way that left me
feeling absurdly spiritual at the end, like we had communicated on a whole new
    It made no sense to me as I had always prided myself on my
self-control and restraint.  In my trade it was important that you remained in
the driver’s seat but right now it felt like Jessie had shoved my over and for
once I was the passenger along for the ride.  And I had no idea where we were
    I just needed to keep things the way they were, not
overthink them, and let time tell where this was heading.  I was remembering my
only serious girlfriend, Elaine.  Things had started off idyllically between us
as well.  After eighteen months I had even been considering proposing but
before I had a chance to get my head around it Elaine had started talking
marriage and kids.
    At first I had enjoyed the talk but the intensity and the
need for time frames and commitment had gotten out of hand.  I had asked Elaine
to back off to let me get my head round it as I had always wanted to surprise
the woman I wanted to marry.  A grand gesture which we would tell our grandkids
about in years to come.  But Elaine was like a dog with a bone.  The more I
held off the more resentful and angry she became and the last straw was when
she started withholding sex in an attempt to manipulate me into setting a
date.  That to me wasn’t love.  So I ended things and since then had kept
things with the opposite sex very casual.  And until now that hadn’t been hard.
    I looked down at Jessie snuggled into the crook of my arm. 
I liked seeing her beside me and knowing that she was close.  More than I
thought I should and already it seemed like the most natural thing in the world
having her around.  The sound of her breathing made me feel calm and centred in
a way that was reminiscent of life on the farm before I set off for Edinburgh. 
Even work took a back seat and that was saying something.
    The rest of the tour through the South Island went smoothly,
though by the time we reached Wellington the following Tuesday, everyone was
looking tired.  Cam had been battling a cold for the last few days and Lance
had just started feeling under the weather.  I ordered bed rest and a halt

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