Silent Fall

Silent Fall by Barbara Freethy Page B

Book: Silent Fall by Barbara Freethy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Freethy
Tags: Contemporary
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on?" he asked in alarm.
    "They found the scarf," she said. "I took the path you were on last night, and I saw the coast guard and the police searching an area very close to shore."
    His chest tightened. "But no body, right?"
    "Not that I could see, but I didn't have a great view. This is bad, Dylan. How did they even know to look in the water for her clothing?"
    "Someone saw something and called the cops. Or the plan is just continuing to tick away, right on schedule." He paused. "My lawyer thinks they're going to arrest me."
    "I do, too." Her gaze clung to his, worry and fear in her eyes.
    He made a sudden decision. "I'm not waiting around to find out."
    "You shouldn't," Catherine agreed. "You won't be able to fight back if you're in jail."
    "Exactly what I was thinking," he muttered, not really surprised they were on the same wavelength. He was starting to get used to the idea that Catherine could almost anticipate what he was going to say before he said it. "Come with me."
    "What? Where?"
    "Back to San Francisco, for starters."
    She hesitated, doubt written across her face. "I don't know, Dylan."
    "You said you'd help me," he reminded her.
    "Help you find the truth, not evade the police."
    He knew she was right. This wasn't her problem; it was his. And he'd always traveled better on his own. But for some reason the idea of cutting her loose disturbed him. "Well, I need to get out of here. You do what you think is best." He couldn't quite believe he was contemplating running out on the cops, but every instinct screamed that he needed to buy himself some time. Everything was moving too fast. The scarf in the lake seemed like another step in a preorchestrated plan to set him up for murder. His tie was probably there, too. If he ran he would definitely look guilty and he could land himself in even worse trouble. It was a risk, but one he had to take. He grabbed the suit he'd worn the night before and stuffed it into his suitcase.
    "You should call Jake," Catherine said. "He's your brother. He would want to help."
    "I'm not ruining his honeymoon. Nor do I want him involved. He's finally got his life together with Sarah and the baby. He has way too much to lose. I don't."
    "Neither do I," she said slowly.
    He met her gaze. "Forget it. I shouldn't have asked you to come."
    "But you did. And I think I will."
    "Do I have to have a reason? You asked me and I accept."
    "And I've reconsidered. This isn't your problem, and it could be dangerous."
    "I'm coming, Dylan."
    "Why would you risk your life to help me?" he questioned.
    "Well, I'm hoping I won't be risking my life, but the truth is, I have to see how this plays out. When I was in the woods I connected with Erica again."
    "You saw her?"
    "In my head," she clarified. "I had another vision. I think it was from last night. Erica was out there in the woods running from someone, then hiding in the trees. She was scared."
    "I thought she was in her cabin when someone came after her."
    "Maybe she ran into the woods." Catherine pulled her clothes out of the drawers and dragged her suitcase from the closet. "I've been running from my dreams my whole life. I think it's time I chased one down."
    "Catherine, if you come with me, you'll be an accessory." He knew he had to state the obvious. She was so caught up in the events going through her head, she wasn't looking at the big picture. "You could be charged, put in jail."
    "I've made my decision. I'd like my visions to be worth something good, just once." She paused, taking one last look around the room. "I think I have everything. Should I check out?"
    "When did you say you were going to leave?"
    "I was planning to stay until Tuesday."
    "Then don't check out. I'll pay if you wind up having room charges, but I'd rather not have anyone looking for you yet." He drew in a quick breath. "We'll have to take your car, since I don't have my keys. It's probably better that way anyway. If I leave mine in the lot, it should buy us a little

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