Silent Fall

Silent Fall by Barbara Freethy Page A

Book: Silent Fall by Barbara Freethy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Freethy
Tags: Contemporary
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Chapter 6
    Dylan was immersed in his computer files when his cell phone rang. "Mark, what did you find out?" he asked, hoping for some good news.
    "You're in deep shit, buddy," Mark said.
    That was not what he wanted to hear. "What do you mean?"
    "I spoke to Detective Richardson at the sheriff's office. He said that Erica Layton is still missing and they're extremely concerned about her welfare. A guest in an adjacent cabin reported hearing a woman scream last night. A security guard investigated and discovered that the cabin where Erica was staying had been broken into, and apparently there was evidence of a struggle, including blood evidence, which they are now testing for DNA. Please tell me they're not going to find your DNA at the scene."
    "I wish I could, but I have a cut on my hand, which I acquired sometime in the night while I was passed out," Dylan said. "I suspect Erica cut me to plant the
    blood. It was part of the setup."
    "Not the best explanation I've heard."
    "It's the truth, and whatever other evidence they have Erica planted as well. The blood tests I took earlier this morning should prove that I was drugged and incapable of hurting anyone."
    "Speaking of which, why the hell did you agree to have your blood tested without talking to me first? At the very least we could have stalled until we had a better idea what we were dealing with."
    "Yeah, I know. I thought I was going to prove my innocence before the drugs left my system, but I suspect I made things worse. Damn, I hate to be wrong."
    "You can't go off half-cocked anymore, Dylan. This is serious."
    "Believe me, I'm very aware of just how serious it is. What else did the detective tell you?"
    "Not much. They conducted a brief search of the woods but found nothing. They're trying to contact Er-ica's relatives and friends with the help of the San Francisco Police Department. They plan to launch another search tomorrow if Miss Layton hasn't turned up by then. You need to find her. If she's alive, most of your problems go away."
    "Most?" Dylan echoed.
    "They could still charge you with assault, breaking and entering, but at least you wouldn't be facing a murder charge."
    The idea that he could be arrested for murder sent chills down Dylan's spine. Surely it wouldn't go that far. It couldn't. He was an innocent man. "I can't believe this is happening. I drove up here yesterday for my brother's wedding, and now I'm a suspect in a murder investigation? How is that possible?"
    "You do lead an exciting life. I think I should come up there. I know you like to handle things yourself, but this is too big. If you didn't kill this woman, someone is working damn hard to make it look like you did."
    "Yes. And for the moment I'm going to stick with the belief that Erica is not dead, that this is just part of the frame. I have to find her and make her talk."
    "If someone is framing you for Erica's death," Mark said slowly, "they have extremely good motivation to actually kill her."
    Mark had a point. But Erica knew how to look out for herself. At least, Dylan hoped she did.
    "I need to take care of a few things here," Mark added, "but I can be in Tahoe by tonight. Don't do or say anything to anyone, Dylan. Just stay put. Keep your mouth shut. I'll be in touch."
    It was good advice, but Dylan wasn't sure he could take it. He didn't want to play defense. He had to find a way to turn this game upside down. Slipping his phone back into his pocket, he decided to shut down his computer. It didn't appear to him that anyone had accessed his files, but he couldn't be positive. It didn't make sense that someone would have gone to the trouble of taking out his computer without doing something to it or looking for something, but he couldn't find any obvious evidence.
    He had just returned the computer to its case when Catherine burst into the room. Her breath was coming hard and fast, as if she'd run a few miles. Her hair was tangled, and her cheeks were bright red.
    "What's going

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