Shift (The Neturu Chronicles)

Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) by Sarah Carter

Book: Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) by Sarah Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Carter
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me?  They don’t know a thing
about me.”
Jackson sighs. “It’s who you are that matters to them.”
Really confused, Kayla says, “My family isn’t royalty or anything.”
“Your family is important to them.”
“My dad is a botanist and my mother is his assistant.  How in the hell is
that important?”
Jackson looks thoughtfully out the window.  “It’s your family
heritage.  I promise, I’ll explain it someday.  Just leave it be for
“Okay,” Kayla draws out.  She takes a deep breath.  “I don’t know
what my parents would approve of.  They’ve never asked why I don’t
date.  You know, I always thought moms were like, what boys do you like, blah, blah, blah.  My parents have never
seemed interested in that at all.  I’ve never had a boyfriend, and I’m a
junior in high school.”
“Kayla, it’s fine that you haven’t had a boyfriend.  Don’t think less of
yourself because of it.”
With a heavy sigh, Kayla whispers, “You know, I get along with all the guys
from school.  You could even say I’m popular, but no one has ever held my
attention.  Tracy likes a new guy every few months, but not me.  I
study.  It’s what I do.”
“There isn’t anything wrong with that.”
“Coming from the guy who’s probably been on more dates than I will ever have in
my lifetime.  I always say that I’ll meet someone in college, because
that’s what I hope.  You know, college guys are older and smarter.  I
figure they’ll be interested in me then.  Guys in high school like me, but
not in that way.  Normally, I don't really think about it that much, but
at this very moment…wow… I kind of suck.  Maybe
there’s something wrong with me.”
Reaching over, Jackson grabs her hand.  “There is nothing wrong with
you.  You’re beautiful, smart, funny, and you have a million things going
for you.  I promise when you meet the right guy, you’ll know.”
For some reason, his words send off sparks in her head.  Memories of her
dream come pouring back into her mind, and she diverts her gaze out the window
so she doesn’t have to look at him. “Thanks for saying that.”
“It’s the truth.  Now, are you hungry?  I’m hungry and I take it
that’s the diner.”
“Yup,” Kayla says, pulling her hand away from his.
When they enter the diner, they take a seat.  “What’s good here?” Jackson
“Their pancakes, French toast…ummm…well…everything.  This is one of my
favorite places, so thanks.”
“My pleasure.  Thanks for getting up at the butt crack of dawn.” Jackson
 “Yeah, I’m still going to need about a gallon of coffee.” Her phone
rings, and she pulls it out of her pocket. “Hello?”
Tracy says, “Hey, I just wanted to tell you I’m coming to school.  I know
it’s early, but I wanted to make sure you knew I was picking you up.”
“Oh,” Kayla squeaks.  “I don’t need a ride.”  Jackson looks up at
There is dead silence on the other end of the phone.  “How are you getting
to school?”
“Ummm, Jackson.”
“Who’s Jackson?” Tracy inquires.  She pauses for a second and then
exclaims, “The new guy!”
Jackson smirks because Tracy's squeal is loud enough

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