Shift (The Neturu Chronicles)

Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) by Sarah Carter Page B

Book: Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) by Sarah Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Carter
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“We totally pounced on each other and got all heated.  It was quite
stimulating,” Jackson answers with a grin.
Tracy smirks and looks at her friend. “And why were you not going to tell me
“Because it didn’t mean anything.  We are totally not dating, not
interested, not anything.  We’ve made that clear.”
“Well then,” Tracy exhales.  “Sounds like wasted chemistry to me.”
Kayla looks up at Jackson.  He is looking back at her with a very
thoughtful expression.  “You know what?  It is wasted
chemistry.  How sad.  Too bad we clash so much.”
“We don’t clash,” Kayla retorts.  “You strive to be an ass.”
“I do, don’t I?  The thing is, I think you like that.  I think you
find me totally appealing and sexy.”
With quite the attitude, Kayla responds with, “I think the problem is that you are attracted to me.  I think you like me a lot, and for some reason you’re
trying to force yourself not to, and I really wish I knew why.”
“You’ll know why soon enough,” Jackson says.
“I think you both need to get past yourselves and just do it already,” Tracy
chirps looking at both of them.
Kayla turns her glare to her friend.  “I am not having sex with
“I didn’t mean it that way, but wouldn’t it be great if you had that much
chemistry?  I think it would be an experience all its own.”
“I’m a virgin, and I plan to keep it that way, until I find someone worthy of
being with.”
Jackson leans forward. “I’m not worthy?  Really?  I’m extremely
intelligent, which you are horrendously attracted to.  I make you laugh,
which was one of the traits you wanted.  I have a drive to protect you,
which girls always swoon at.  I don’t see a problem.”
“I want someone who is nice.  You know, sweet and romantic.  You’re
an ass to me most of the time, and you made me feel totally rejected after we
kissed.  That isn’t something I want in a guy.”
“I did not make you feel rejected,” Jackson groans.
Leaning forward, Kayla emphasizes, “Yeah, you did.”
Bending even closer to her, Jackson says, “Next time I kiss you, I promise I
won’t bolt.”
“Next time?” Tracy says. “Ooh la la.”
Kayla turns to her friend.  “There won’t be a next time.”
“Yeah…sure,” Tracy whispers, looking away.  “Oh,” she exclaims. 
When she turns her gaze back to Jackson, Kayla catches him staring at
her.  She raises an eyebrow.  Jackson just shakes his head and starts
to eat his food.  Tracy does all the talking while they eat.  Out of
the corner of her eye, Kayla catches Jackson looking at her a lot.  She
chooses to ignore him.
They finally finish eating, and the waitress brings the check.  Jackson
grabs it and says, “This is on me.”
“Oh, if he’s buying breakfast, I’ll get up early every morning,” Tracy
quips.  “Good food, coffee, and hot entertainment; I’m game.”
With an exasperated moan, Kayla palms her forehead.  Jackson gently kicks
her under the table.  She looks up and he winks at her.  Kayla rolls
her eyes and laughs.  Jackson happily says, “Whenever you girls want to do
breakfast, I’ll be

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