Shift (The Neturu Chronicles)

Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) by Sarah Carter Page A

Book: Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) by Sarah Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Carter
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through the phone that the
entire restaurant can hear her.  Kayla says, “Yeah, the new guy.”
“Dear Lord, what happened when I was sick?”
Putting her hand over her face, Kayla says, “We’ll talk about it later.”
“No, we’ll talk about it now!”
“No,” Kayla whispers.  “He’s sitting in front of me.  It’s rude to
talk about someone when they’re listening.”
His grin turns into a big smile, and Jackson says, “No, by all means, talk
“He’s at your house?” Tracy asks, sounding totally confused.
“No, we’re at Lenny’s by school.  He’s buying me breakfast, and before you
say anything, it’s not a date, not even close.”
Putting his hand to his chest, Jackson says, “Ouch.”
“You’re the one who made that pointedly clear.”
Tracy stutters, “Girl, I am so confused.”
“I’ll explain it later.  I’ll see you when you get to school.”
Jackson leans forward.  “She can come join us.”
“Oh…okay. Tracy, would you like to join us for breakfast?”
“Umm, yeah, he’s so hot,” Tracy says.
A deep chuckle comes from Jackson.  Kayla groans. “He can hear you,
Tracy.  You’re being loud.”
“Why in the world do I care?  I’ll tell him to his face that he’s hot,
because he is.”
“Then come gush over him and boost his ego.  He likes that,” Kayla
replies, winking at Jackson.  He just laughs more.
“Okay, be there in fifteen.”
“Do you want me to order you something?”
“Spanish omelet with wheat toast.”
“All right, see you in a bit.”
Giggling, Tracy says, “This is going to be awesome.  Bye!”
Putting her face in her hands, Kayla mumbles, “This will be interesting.”
“Oh no, I think I’m going to like her.” Jackson sighs, looking at his
They make small talk as they order their breakfast and wait for Tracy. 
Tracy finally walks through the door, and Kayla waves her down.  With a
huge smile, Tracy approaches them.  She looks at Jackson and says, “Hi, I
don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.  I’m Tracy.”  She sticks
out her hand to him.
He shakes it and replies, “Jackson, nice to meet you.”
Tracy slides in next to Kayla.  She smiles at her and says, “So, anything
you want to tell me?”
“No,” Kayla states.  “We’re just out for breakfast.  Don’t make any
“Okay, you’ll have to tell me everything later,” Tracy whispers.
Totally embarrassed, Kayla hisses, “There’s nothing to tell you.”
“Oh, come on,” Jackson starts.  “You aren’t going to tell her about what
happened in your kitchen?”
Glaring at him, Kayla spits out, “We weren’t going to tell anyone.”
“What?  You weren’t going to tell me something?  How rude! 
We’re best friends!” Tracy yells.  She turns to Jackson. “You tell me,
what happened in her

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