Seventeen Days

Seventeen Days by D.B. James

Book: Seventeen Days by D.B. James Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.B. James
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make-out.” Wiggling my eyebrows up and down, she knows which of those options I choose. What can I say, I’m a man. I’ll always choose making out over any of those options. But if she wants to open up more to me, she can. I want to be here for her. Maybe forever.
    “You’re horrible, Harrison. Horrible.” 
    Baby, we’ve only begun.

    “Mm … make the buzzing stop already,” She’s knocking anything she can reach off of my end table. Too bad she’s on the wrong side—she’ll never get the buzzing to cease. 
    “If you ignore it long enough, we can pretend it never went off. Thad can run the small tour on his own or go with Gentry and let Steve take the smaller one out. You and me should keep ignoring the alarm clock and sleep. Get back over here and cuddle me, woman.” 
    She doesn’t put up much of a fight after I pull her back down into my arms. Mm. Warm woman first thing in the morning. Can it get any better than this? Hardly.
    She doesn’t allow me much cuddle time before I feel her elbow jab into my stomach. “Ow. What was that for?” Rubbing my stomach, I whine, “You have sharp elbows.” 
    “Aw, do you want to me kiss it and make it better?” Um, hell yeah I do. Before I can answer, she’s off the bed and searching all over the place for my phone alarm clock. She’ll never find it; it’s in the bathroom. 
    “Bingo. Found the stupid asshole. If it wasn’t your phone, I’d kill it. Smash it into a thousand minuscule pieces. He deserves to die a horrible miserable death.” 
    Smiling at her as she climbs back into bed, she leans down and presses a quick kiss to my lips. 
    “Since your alarm clock so rudely awoke us, we better get a move on it. Just because I slept with my boss last night, you shouldn’t give me any extra favors. Up and at ‘em, Captain.” 
    Before I can fully turn to my side, she’s out the door and back into the bathroom. Who has this much energy in the morning? It’s not even five minutes past six. 
    Crazy woman. 
    We we’re up till nearly 1 AM talking. Getting to know one another. She never brought up the subject of her father again. 
    Though I took one last night, a shower sounds like a wonderful idea. A shower including Morgan would be even nicer. Too bad it’ll never happen. All I can offer her are my kisses. That’ll have to be enough for the both of us. Tangling up any further will only hurt us both in … twelve days . 
    Realizing how limited the time is we truly do have left together and knowing she has to talk to her aunt sooner rather than later, I make the decision for both of us.
    While I’m dialing Steve’s number, Morgan comes back into the bedroom, freshly showered. “Who are you calling this early? Or should I say attempting to call?” she asks. 
    Voicemail. Guess I’ll have to call Thad to have him take over since Steve didn’t pick up. 
    “Hey, Steve, it’s Harrison. Was calling to let you know plans for the day have changed. You’ll take out the four-hour group alone. I’ll be calling Thad next. Him and Gentry can take out the larger group. If you have any issues, give me a call.” I don’t answer Morgan since she clearly heard who I was calling.
    When I start to dial Thad’s number, she takes a seat on the bed. “Are you making plans to not work today, boss? That’s cool, you probably need a day off. But can you drop me off at the office at least? Since I don’t feel like seeing my aunt for her to take me.” Unbeknownst to you, you’re playing hooky today too, sweetness.  
    “Let me make this last call and I’ll tell you everything.” Giving her a slight wink, I continue to try and reach Thad. 
    He answers on the second ring, “What’s up boss?” 
    Taking a moment to explain to him the message I left for Steve, he agrees to take care of things at the office. “Oh, one more thing. Can you please not switch the answering machine off? Morgan won’t be in today, either. Thanks, man.” 
    Hanging up, I glance

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