Seventeen Days

Seventeen Days by D.B. James Page B

Book: Seventeen Days by D.B. James Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.B. James
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not asking you to choose sides. But your being there would be comforting to me. Maybe you could call her and arrange that while I toss us together some breakfast?” 
    Well, that didn’t go so bad. Now if only I can get Savannah to agree to them talking today. Hopefully she’s not too busy with appointments so we can’t make it happen. I plan on getting Morgan’s father’s info out of her and driving Morgan over there to meet him if she wants. Who knows where he is, it’s another reason why I took today off and made it a longer weekend. We may need to travel a distance to see him. 

As Harrison pulls into my aunt's driveway, I crouch down further into my seat. I’m acting like a toddler, but I don’t care. How much can one person handle before they break? Guess I’m about to find out. 
    “Come on, Red. There’s nothing to be afraid of, I’ll be right there with you. Even if I am Switzerland, I’ll still be there for comfort. You’ve got this.” At least he’s confident, cause I’m totally not. 
    He parks the truck and hops out before I can reply. I’m still crouched down when he opens my door to help me out. “I don’t want to,” I mumble. Why the hell am I mumbling? Again. What is it about these people that brings out my inner child? I’ve never felt so immature since coming here. 
    Must be all the salt in the air. Or whatever, no clue. 
    “From what I have gotten to know over the past few days, Morgan Elizabeth Young is stronger than this. She is a fighter. She’d get out of this damn truck. She’d go as far as actually talking to her aunt. Getting the answers to questions she’s wanted for eighteen years. Maybe I left her back at my place.”
    He had to go and say that. Shit. He’s good at throwing down dares. 
    Breathing in and out deeply, I finally give in and get out of the truck. Sienna has forced me to be grown for a few years now, I may as well act like it. 
    “Fiiiine. I’m out, but you may have to hold my hand for me to eventually take one step toward the door. I’ve never admitted this before, but I’m scared, Harrison. I’m so fucking scared of those answers she can give me. It seems like I’ve been living my entire life in a bubble and it’s now bursting wide open.” 
    “The future is always scary, Morgan. If it’s not, you’re not living. Nothing in life is guaranteed. Everything can come to an end instantly. A drunk driver could take out your whole family on their way to one of your basketball games and you’d never get to tell them how much you loved them again. Trust me, I know you’re scared. I’m scared every damn day. Every. Damn. Day.” 
    Clasping my hand in his, he starts leading me to the front door. Savannah’s truck is in the driveway, and I’m surprised she hasn’t opened the front door already. I bet she’s watching us from the front window. Glancing towards the window, I try to catch her watching, I see nothing but curtain. Hmm. She’s not as nosey as I would be. 
    “Should we um, walk right in? Like should I act normal like we didn’t have a life-alerting fight last night?”
    Give me the answers, please. 
    Guide me because I have absolutely no idea what to do.  
    This scares me more than waking up in a Paris jail cell with no memories of how or why I was there. 
    “Walk right in, babe. It’s what I would do. Knowing Savannah, she heard us pull up and is in the kitchen making hot tea as we speak. I’m right here with you. You’re strong, Morgan. Much stronger than you give yourself credit for. No one, and I mean no one, I know could have survived what you have so far in life. You were raped, for fuck’s sake. Not many survive that without going through therapy or worse. But you did. You survived like I know you can get through this talk with Savannah.”  
    Lifting my hand he’s holding, he places a kiss on it and pulls me up the stairs. He’s right, though. He’s so fucking right. I can do this. 
    Taking one more deep

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