Seventeen Days

Seventeen Days by D.B. James Page A

Book: Seventeen Days by D.B. James Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.B. James
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over at Morgan. Shit. She’s pissed. I know she loves to make decisions on her own but I’ve seen the look she gives me when I take charge and take care of her too. She likes me all possessive. 
    “Why did you give us the day off? I thought you were joking because you wanted more sleep.” 
    Reaching out, I grab a piece of her wet hair and start to wind it around my finger. “While you were in the shower, I made a few decisions. Knowing you’d never make them for yourself, you’ll probably hate me, but I started putting those plans in motion by giving us the day off. We have the next two off anyway. Making it a three-day weekend will do us both good.” 
    “Um. Okay. But I still don’t understand why you did. What are these decisions that you speak of? Am I going to need coffee to have this conversation? A knife? Rusty Sprockets by my side waiting to take you out?”
    Still can’t believe she tried to rename my dog.  
    “Coffee sounds good. Follow me, and I’ll start a pot—we can start to talk while it brews.” 
    Hopefully she won’t toss her mug of hot coffee at me once she finds out what I want to do today. 
    Setting out mugs and starting the coffee, I stay oddly quiet. I can tell it’s killing her not to ask what the fuck is going on, again. She knows me well enough by now to know that I’ll start talking on my own. 
    “I think you should talk to Savannah today. Now, before you get all pissed and run away, hear me out.” Turning around to meet her gaze, I continue, “What you told me last night was only the basics, and I didn’t press you for more. One day when you’re ready, you’ll tell me everything. And I can wait, but who can’t wait is Savannah. She’s waited eighteen years to be able to say these things to you. If you’d like me there when you attempt to make amends, I can be. As cushion for you both. I’m not going to pick sides. Know right now, I won’t choose you over her or vice versa. I’m Switzerland when it comes to whose team I’m on.” 
    “Holy shit, did you Twilight me?” 
    Huh? What the hell is she talking about? 
    “You know those books about falling in love with vampires. Werewolves too. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. You totally Twilight -ed the hell outta me.”
    She’s thinking I read a fucking book about vampires falling in love? Fuck that. Nope, not for me. If it was written by Stephen King, maybe. But he’d never write anything chick-flick worthy. Give me Pet Cemetery and a few beers, and I’m good.  
    “Trust me, I have never read a book about vampires in love. So no, I didn’t ‘Twilight’ you. I take it from your reaction you’ve read it?”
    “Sienna may have gotten me signed copies of all four books, and not only signed by the author but the actors who portray Edward, Bella, and Jacob in the movies. So yeah, you can bet I’ve read them. You’re Switzerland comment is why I said you Twilight -ed me. Bella says she’s team Switzerland when her beloved Edward is fighting with her best friend Jacob. And you should totally read it. I think you’d actually like it. You should at least watch the movies.” 
    She hasn’t so much as brought up my suggestion of her talking to Savannah. Maybe she agrees with me and knows they should talk. Maybe I dodged a bullet after all. 
    Dog comes sniffing around to see if we’re cooking. He does love his scraps. “Hey, Dog, no human food yet, buddy. Let me fill up your kibble dish and give you some cool fresh water.”
    “Rusty Sprockets may need a potty break before he eats. Don’t you think?” she asks.
    “Nah, he uses the doggy door and comes and goes as he pleases. No need to force him to go out. He’s happy. I’m happy. And his name is Dog .”
    “Pffft, he’s Rusty Sprockets, and you know it. You’ll be calling him by his new name before you know it. And about Savannah, I think you’re right. We should talk things through as soon as possible. And yes, I’d love for you to be there. I’m

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