Serial Separation

Serial Separation by Dick C. Waters Page B

Book: Serial Separation by Dick C. Waters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dick C. Waters
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Thrillers, Mystery
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    “Weren’t you scared?”
    I had put the details of that event out of my mind, but her question brought the images back.
    “I wasn’t thinking about being scared or the danger. I needed to act quickly. It all happened so suddenly, it’s a blur now.”
    “Do you think about the recent murders?”
    “As a matter of fact, I can’t seem to get the images out of my mind. I think about what these guys went through and the horror of it.”
    “Why, do I make you uncomfortable?”
    Her sudden change of topics threw me. It took me a moment to answer. “Mercy, it’s hard for me to talk to you about this. My only—what’s the word I’m looking for—intimate relationship has been with Lisa. I fell in love with her almost from the moment I met her. We first met the day President Kennedy was assassinated. We were more vulnerable that day, but I guess in hind sight it was meant to happen.”
    “You still haven’t answered my question.”
    “I know, and I’m trying to get to it.” I felt exposed without answering her question.
    She studied me. “I know the answer, Scott. I guess I like pushing your buttons. I’m like a hunter and you’re my prey. Seeing you react . . . is like the thrill of the hunt.”
    Her frank words concerned me, so I reached for another log. She grabbed my arm, and when I looked at her I could see tears in her eyes.
    “Scott, I’ve had no one to love. I was so focused on getting into Harvard and getting good marks that I missed growing up. I had one infatuation period, but that passed like a bad dream.”
    She let go of my arm, and I added the log to the fire, and the sparks flew in all directions.
    “Why are you sharing this with me?” I asked.
    She looked like a lost puppy, but she didn’t answer. I gave her more time.
    “Now it’s you asking the tough questions.” She fiddled with the corner of the afghan. “Let me try . . . this seems so right . . . you’re a caring person. I guess I feel if I didn’t talk to you now, I would miss my chance to tell you. Right now, I feel like the hunter who is staring at his game, regretting having ever hunted . . . I wish I could change so much, but it is too late.”
    I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her to my chest. I just held her tightly, and I could feel her quietly sobbing. Bizarrely, I didn’t feel that uncomfortable.

Chapter 26
    The announcer interrupted the TV broadcast:
    We interrupt our normal programming for the following. This is WBZ TV reporting that investigators were at the scene on the North Shore, where a body was found in a fishing trawler’s net. Investigators speculate the body is related to the two other recent torso slayings but they failed to comment further. We return you to our regularly scheduled programming.
    Mercedes regained her composure and was sitting staring at the fire.
    I thought they would have reported more, but I guess that was enough. I knew it was Bob Sullivan. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like for his family to receive this news on Christmas Day.
    I placed another log on the fire, looking over at Mercedes. She no longer resembled a woman who had control of everything. It was peculiar, but I felt sad for her. I might be feeling the same way if I hadn’t met Lisa.
    I was lucky to have Lisa. Jimmy could have taken her life, as he had planned. He killed two women and had nothing more to lose. I was lucky to save her.
    What was I doing here with this woman? I hadn’t planned this. Was it just an accident, or a twist of fate? I missed Lisa. She was not only away from me now, but she had been away from me for months. It was also a twist of fate that we were not together on Christmas Eve, nor would we be on Christmas. Maybe she’d miss me more this way, and hopefully get over whatever has been bothering her.
    Mercedes hands were clenched, and I could see the white of her knuckles. Was she mad about sharing things with me, or was she mad that I had failed to react the way she

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